Highest Downloads Recorded in 2021 for Large-scale Assessments in Education Journal

The IEA-ETS Large-scale Assessments in Education (LSAE) journal is growing from year to year with downloads increasing by nearly 50% last year to 210,078 for 2021. As an Open Access journal with no fees and copyright fully retained for authors, LSAE offers a great opportunity for researchers to showcase research that utilizes databases of national and international large-scale assessment programs, presents results of interest to a broad national or international audience, or contributes to enhancing and improving the methods and procedures, implementation, or use of large-scale assessments in education and their data. Some of the latest articles have explored ethical and regulatory issues in using process data in educational assessments, financial literacy among Finnish adolescents, and the motivation to learn by age, education, and literacy skills among working-age adults in the United States.

The journal has two new articles that analyze within-country variation in school effectiveness and the motivation to learn among working-age adults in the US. Read the latest articles on the journal website.

Please see the journal website below for more information, past articles, and how to submit a paper.
