IEA TIMSS 2019 International Database released

The full TIMSS 2019 International Database and User Guide is released to the public on 21 January and for the first time, it contains process data from digital assessments. The vast dataset can be used with IEA’s free IDB Analyzer tool to research a multitude of mathematics and science education topics involving students, teachers and schools across the world.

Released every four years, the seventh TIMSS International Database, TIMSS 2019, is free and available to download by anyone interested in the mathematics and science education data collected from 64 countries and 8 benchmarking entities across the globe. Micro-level data is available for student, teacher, parent and school principals and includes variables related to school and home contexts such as resource levels, early education, bullying, teacher training, and much more.

In TIMSS 2019, around half of the countries (29) participated in eTIMSS, a digital version of the assessments, as opposed to the paper-based alternative. For these countries, rich new process data exists on student response times and answers, navigation behavior and tool use, presenting the potential of revolutionary information which can be investigated to provide insights on individual thinking and learned cognitive and problem-solving processes.

If you would like to research mathematics and science education, the TIMSS 2019 International Database can be downloaded below and it can be analyzed using IEA’s free tool, IDB Analyzer, available here
