New Compass Brief: Valuing Curriculum-Based International Large-Scale Assessments

Compass 16 Curriculum ILSA

The 16th issue in the Compass Brief series, written by Jan-Philipp Wagner and Dirk Hastedt of IEA, explores how a curriculum-based approach to International Large-scale Assessments (ILSA) assists researchers and policymakers in analyzing and drawing conclusions on how various education systems perform.

Most national assessments in education focus on the curriculum to identify the knowledge and skills students should have acquired. This Compass Brief provides insights into the challenges and advantages of aligning ILSA items with national curricula, the importance of close collaboration among stakeholders to work towards such alignment, and how aligning items with national curricula can work in practice through the TIMSS 2019 study.

The latest issue of the Compass Brief series is available for translation. Stakeholders within education organizations may translate the brief for further use at a national level. For more information, please contact

Read the Compass Brief in the link below. 
