Nilsen, Trude, Gustafsson, Jan-Eric |
Teacher Quality, Instructional Quality and Student Outcomes |
2016 |
Springer |
The Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M): Technical report |
2013 |
Ingvarson, Lawrence, Schwille, John, Tatto, Maria T., Rowley, Glenn, Peck, Ray, Senk, Sharon L. |
An Analysis of Teacher Education Context, Structure, and Quality-Assurance Arrangements in TEDS-M Countries |
2013 |
TEDS-M Encyclopedia |
2013 |
TEDS-M Informe Español. Estudio Internacional sobre la formación inicial en matemáticas de los maestros. IEA |
2012 |
Grønmo, Liv Sissel, Onstad, Torgeir |
Mange og store utfordringer. Et nasjonalt og internasjonalt perspektiv på utdanning av lærere i matematikk basert på data fra TEDS-M 2008 |
2012 |
TEDS-M 2008 User Guide for the International Database |
2012 |
Tatto, Maria T., Peck, Ray, Schwille, John, Bankov, Kiril, Senk, Sharon L., Rodriguez, Michael, Ingvarson, Lawrence, Reckase, Mark, Rowley, Glenn |
Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries
2012 |
von Davier, Matthias, Hastedt, Dirk |
IERI Monograph Series |
2011 |
Ksztalcenie nauczycieli w Polsce. Wyniki miedzynarodowego badania TEDS-M 2008 |
2010 |
Étude sur l’éducation et le perfectionnement du personnel enseignant les mathématiques. Rapport du Canada |
2010 |
Oser, Fritz, Biederman, Horst, Brühwiler, Christian, Kopp, Margit, Krattenmacher, Samuel, Steinmann, Sibylle |
Deutschschweizer Lehrerausbildung auf dem Prüfstand. Wie gut werden unsere angehenden Lehrpersonen ausgebildet? Ein internationaler Vergleich |
2010 |
Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics 2008: Canadian report |
2010 |
Babcock, Jacqueline, Babcock, Philip, Buhler, Jean, Cady, Jennifer, Cogan, Leland, Houang, Richard, Kher, Neelam, Patrick, Jeannie, Rosolova, Kamila, Schmidt, William H., Wight, Kathy |
Breaking the cycle: An international comparison of U.S. mathematics teacher preparation |
2010 |
Hsieh, Chia-Jui, Wang, Ting-Ying, Tang, Shu-Jyh, Chao, Guoheng |
A milestone of an international study in Taiwan teacher education: An international comparison of Taiwan mathematics teacher preparation (Taiwan TEDS-M 2008) |
2010 |
Kaiser, G., Lehmann, Rainer |
TEDS-M 2008 – Professionelle Kompetenz und Lerngelegenheiten angehender Mathematiklehrkräfte für die Sekundarstufe I im internationalen Vergleich |
2010 |
Kaiser, G., Lehmann, Rainer |
TEDS-M 2008 – Professionelle Kompetenz und Lerngelegenheiten angehender Primarstufenlehrkräfte im internationalen Vergleich |
2010 |
Tatto, Maria T., Lerman, Stephen, Novotná, Jarmila |
Overview of Teacher Education Systems across the World |
2009 |
Springer |
Carnoy, Martin, Beteille, Tara, Brodziak, Iliana, Loyalka, Prashant, Luschei, Thomas |
Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M)
2009 |
Tatto, Maria T., Schwille, John, Senk, Sharon L., Ingvarson, Lawrence, Peck, Ray, Rowley, Glenn |
Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M): Conceptual framework |
2008 |
Schmidt, William H., Tatto, Maria T., Bankov, Kiril, Blömeke, Sigrid, Cedillo, Tenoch, Cogan, Leland, Han, Shin, Houang, Richard, Hsieh, Feng-Jui, Paine, Lynn, Santillan, Marcella, Schwille, John |
The Preparation Gap: Teacher Education for Middle School Mathematics in Six Countries |
2007 |
Michigan State University |