Other Reports

An overview of the User Guides, Technical Reports, Asessment Frameworks, and other supporting publications that accompany the results of each IEA study.


Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathematics and Science
Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathematics and Science
[TIMSS 2011 Assessment Frameworks]
Download9.88 MB
Education policy and curriculum in mathematics and science (Vols. 1-2)
[TIMSS 2011 Assessment Frameworks]
Download6.73 MB
50 years of experiences and memories
Download11.02 MB
A guide to mathematics and science education around the world (Vols. 1‚ 2)
Quality assessment of primary and middle education in mathematics and science (TIMSS) (RAB/01/005/A/01/31)
Download325.66 KB
[TIMSS Assessment Frameworks and Specifications 2003]
Download1.88 MB
Mathematics and science achievement for U.S. states and districts in an international context: Eighth grade
IEA's Repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the Eighth Grade
An encyclopedia of the education systems participating in TIMSS

TIMSS Advanced


Education policy and curriculum in reading (Vols. 1-2)
A guide to reading education in the forty PIRLS 2006 countries
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (2nd ed.)
Estudio Internacional de Progreso en Comprension Lectora (2nd ed.)
Download2.13 MB
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
Download695.46 KB
A Reference Guide to Reading Education in the Countries Participating in IEA's Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)







A guide to teacher education context, structure, and quality assurance in 17 countries. Findings from the IEA Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M)
Download1.15 MB
Policy, practice, and readiness to teach primary and secondary mathematics in 17 countries. Technical report
Download1.26 MB
Policy, practice, and readiness to teach primary and secondary mathematics: Conceptual framework
Download619.14 KB

Reading Literacy Study

Written Composition Study

The international writing tasks and scoring scales


Training manual for use of the databank of the longitudinal, classroom process surveys for Population A in the IEA Second International Mathematics Study

Six Subject Survey

Additional Reports

Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 3
Selected key findings from 35 years of IEA research
An annotated bibliography of IEA publications (1960 – 1990)
An application on IEA data
A cross-cultural study of the validity of Piaget's model of the development of logical thinking