IEA Event Highlights 2023

We look back on some highlights from the year—read more highlights from quarter one here—and thank our network members and partner organizations for their continued work on improving education using IEA data and inviting us to participate in their events.

Toasting to 10 years of the IERI Journal

IEA was delighted to host a reception celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the IERI Large-scale Assessments in Education journal. It promotes secondary analysis of ILSA data via its articles and special issues. The reception connected the journal’s network and included a short panel discussion reflecting on ILSAs, their limitations, and opportunities for secondary analyses.

Celebrating 10th IEA IRC

Connecting researchers who work with IEA data to exchange ideas and information on critical education issues is what the IEA IRC (International Research Conference) does well. This year saw the 10th IRC—our biggest IRC yet—held in Dublin, Ireland, bringing together over 220 attendees to celebrate community, innovations in ILSAs (international large-scale assessments) via pre-conference workshops that train researchers on using the latest data innovations.

“The IRC gave me insight to high-level research, expanded my knowledge about ILSAs, and I met with friends and gained some new ones.”

Watch this space for more updates on the 11th IEA IRC in 2025.

General Assembly

Collaboration with the aim of improving education is at the heart of IEA. The 64th General Assembly meeting, hosted by DEPP (Statistical Department of the French Ministry of Education), took place in Versailles, France, from 25–27 September. IEA was delighted to welcome the Government of Malta as a member representative of the General Assembly. We look forward to the 65th General Assembly meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, in 2024.


2023 saw a buzz of activity around the IEA Teacher Resources. Portugal and Northern Ireland held informative webinars highlighting IEA’s PIRLS study and the relevant teacher resources that support teachers in the classroom. Our Senior Research and Liaison Advisor, Paulína Koršňáková, and Director of IEA Amsterdam, Andrea Netten, were delighted to introduce Teacher Snippets to teacher practitioners at ISATT during the summer.

Partner events

Our Executive Director, Dirk Hastedt, had the pleasure of presenting PIRLS 2021 Asia-Pacific Regional Highlights in a UNESCO webinar in June this year, after the PIRLS 2021 international results were released.

Colleagues from the RandA (Research and Analysis) Unit shared research and data from various IEA studies at EARLI 2023, ECER 2023—where IEA also had a booth—and FREMO 2023. Colleagues led conversations on measuring and modeling motivation outcomes in ILSAs, the impacts of school closures and cyberbullying on student achievement, and more.

Paulína Koršňáková and Andrea Netten were delighted to attend the WERA (World Education Research Association) Focal Point Meeting in Singapore. Andrea and Paulína contributed to a symposium based on the transition from paper to digital assessment using key examples and insights from PIRLS.

IEA Directors and researchers look forward to continuing to exchange ideas on educational research and policy in 2024. Would you like to invite one of the IEA Directors or research experts to speak at your event? Reach out to us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
