
Our annual newsletter, IEA Insider, contains highlights of IEA's activity across all our projects for the year. IEA Updates, IEA's online quarterly newsletter, highlights recent activities and developments from the past few months. Subscribe here to receive our quarterly newsletter updates.


Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including new study opportunities, releases, and updates, as well as information about upcoming events and new publication releases. The IEA IRC dates have been announced.
Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including new study opportunities, releases, and updates, as well as information about upcoming events and new publication releases.
The ICCS 2022 European Report and Results were published on Thursday, 22 February. Thank you to LUMSA University and INVALSI for hosting the launch event.


Stories Behind Data
The IEA Insider newsletter contains highlights about IEA studies, national, and international projects, services, publications, organizational updates, and more!
The 10th IEA IRC was hosted by the Educational Research Centre, and held in Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland from 28–29 June with pre-conference workshops taking place 26–27 June.
Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including new study opportunities, releases, and updates, as well as information about upcoming events and new publication releases.


Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including new study opportunities, releases, and updates, as well as new publication releases and information about upcoming events.
New Perspective and Approaches
This year’s IEA Insider gathers contributions from across different IEA activities and reflects on New Perspectives and Approaches that have helped to grow and shape the work of IEA.
Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including new study opportunities, releases, and updates, as well as new publication releases and information about upcoming events.
Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including new study opportunities, releases, and updates, as well as new publication releases and information about upcoming events.


Growing Through Challenge
Released annually at IEA's General Assembly meeting, our IEA Insider publication contains highlights about IEA studies, national and international projects, services, publications, organizational updates and more.
Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including study updates, new publication releases and information about upcoming IEA IRC workshops.
Recent highlights from IEA in our quarterly email newsletter, including study updates, new IEA calls for proposals and special issue publications.
Recent highlights from IEA in our January 2021 email newsletter, including news about the release of TIMSS 2019, country enrollment for IEA's new 21CS MAP study and more.


Recent highlights from IEA in our October 2020 email newsletter.
Released annually at IEA's General Assembly meeting, our IEA Insider publication contains highlights about IEA studies, national and international projects, services, publications, organizational updates and more.
Recent highlights from IEA in our July 2020 email newsletter.
Recent highlights from IEA in our April 2020 email newsletter.
Recent highlights from IEA in our January 2020 email newsletter.


Recent highlights from IEA in our email newsletter.
Released during our 60th General Assembly meeting, our new format, IEA Insider publication contains highlights about IEA studies, national and international projects, services, publications, organizational updates and more!
Download12.43 MB
Recent highlights from IEA in our email newsletter


October 2018
In this issue: IEA's 60th year, introducing IEA Compass: Briefs in Education, IEA's partnership with UNESCO, news and progress from ICCS, TIMSS & PIRLS, looking forward to the IRC 2019 in Copenhagen, capacity building with LaNA, and more.
Download8.75 MB


In this issue: Introducing our new Director, monitoring the SDGs, the ICCS and PIRLS international releases, education priorities in a digital world, IEA award winners, and more.
Download4.75 MB


October 2016
In this issue: The IEA presents 20 years of TIMSS trends, news about ICILS, ICCS and LaNA, the 7th International Research Conference, and a number of exciting future developments for the association!
Download1.11 MB


In this issue: IEA showcases 20 years of research work at the IEA DPC in Hamburg, the IEA's work with UNESCO, PRIDI and in Haiti, the 6th International Research Conference in South Africa, IEA's new social media presence, and more.
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In this issue: Updates on the IEA studies, ICILS international release, disseminating and promoting PIRLS & TIMSS in Spain, IEA award winners, announcement of the 6th International Research Conference, and more.
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In this issue: Articles on the impact of IEA data in Hong Kong SAR, Iran, and the United States, highlights from the 53rd General Assembly meeting and 5th International Research Conference, news on the TIMSS & PIRLS 2011 international release, and more.
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In this issue: Articles focusing on the use of IEA data in research, call for proposals for the 5th International Research Conference, highlights from the ICCS regional reports and TEDS-M international report, IEA annual awards, and more.
Download2.05 MB
In this issue: News from the 52nd General Assembly meeting, announcement of the 5th International Research Conference, information about data processing for TIMSS and PIRLS 2011, the impact of IEA data in Qatar, Singapore, and Slovenia, and more.
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In this issue: Information on the 51st General Assembly meeting, current and upcoming IEA studies, use and impact of TIMSS and PIRLS data in the Russian Federation, IEA annual awards, recent publications, and more.
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In this issue: Highlights from the 50th General Assembly meeting and 4th International Research Conference, study results from ICCS 2009 and TIMSS Advanced 2008, information on the launch of ICILS 2013, and more.
Download1.84 MB