In partnership with the Nordic Group of Evaluation Experts, Ministry of Education and Children, and the Nordic Council of Ministers, IEA was delighted to announce the launch of Volume 14 of the Research for Education series.
IEA, in collaboration with experts from AIR (American Institutes for Research) and the University of Missouri, look forward to jointly hosting a full-day course at AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
IEA collaborated with Networking European Civic Education (NECE), for the 2024 Campus Programme which focuses on the pivotal role of teachers in fostering Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
ILSA Gateway, in collaboration with NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) and AIR (American Institutes for Research) will be hosting a pre-conference workshop at CIES (Comparative and International Education Society) 2024 Conference in Miami.
IEA-ETS Research Institute (IERI) will host a three-day Winter Academy in Hamburg on MLM (Multilevel Models) using International Large-scale Assessment Databases.