For more than 20 years, IEA has conducted studies in Germany in cooperation with a significant number of scientific consortia, research institutes and universities.
Commissioned by study management teams, IEA organizes data collection and data processing of assessments and surveys that run national wide, regionally or only in single federal states. IEA offers tailored solutions for the scientific management of a specific study, taking over either all aspects of study support or only particular sub-sections of a project.
Starting with the first OECD PISA Study in 2000, IEA has continuously broadened its portfolio of studies and related services to cover a wide spectrum of study designs and target populations.
These include international and national cross-sectional studies (e.g. TIMSS, PISA, ICILS, Monitoring Educational Standards, IGLU) as well as longitudinal studies (e.g. NEPS, INSIDE, MEZ), individual and group testing sessions, paper and computer-based studies in preschool, school and other educational institutions.
In addition to the studies in which IEA is currently involved, there are a series of national and international studies in Germany with connections to IEA. Please follow the links in the list below for further details.
BerO (Studie Berufliche Orientierung: Berufs- und Studienwahl)
BiSpra (Academic language competence)
EUROPA-study (Evaluation of the European State School in Berlin)
ICCS Germany (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study)
ICILS Germany (International Computer and Information Literacy Study)
IGLU/PIRLS Germany (International Primary School Reading Study)
MEZ (Multiligual Development: A Longitudinal Perspective)
KWiK (Continuity and Change in Schools in Times of Crisis)
TALIS Video (Teaching and Learning International Survey/Video Study)
TIMSS Germany (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study)
TOSCA (Transformation of Secondary School Systems and Academic Careers)