Press Releases

IEA issues press releases to online, print, and broadcast media covering IEA studies, activities, and partner projects. Please contact IEA Media and Communications Liaison Colm Brennan for more information.


IEA is proud to introduce the refreshed visual identity of its studies. The refreshed visual identity aims to preserve links to the strong legacies and reputations of the individual studies while reflecting the strategic transformation of TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, ICILS, and LaNA over time, and the changing requirements for use of imagery in the digital age.


More than 650,000 students in 64 countries and six benchmarking systems around the world participated in TIMSS 2023. These international results are an important resource for researchers, policymakers, and educators to monitor mathematics and science education worldwide.
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Eighth-grade students around the world are using Information and Computer Technology (ICT) more and more as the years progress, but digital literacy achievement scores have not been increasing to match.
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More than half of the students across the European ICCS 2022 participating countries trusted the European Commission and the European Parliament and expected to participate in European elections in the future.
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Achievement trends show that civic knowledge tends to be positively associated with a broad range of attitudes and engagement indicators. More knowledgeable students were less likely to consider conventional active political participation as adults.
On the day that the PIRLS 2021 International Database is made available to the public, IEA releases a study showing the data in use in a new study that investigates the declines in reading achievement seen in PIRLS 2021.
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Achievement trends in fourth grade reading show negative impact from pandemic; home and school socioeconomic status persist as strong indicators of achievement; most children attend schools with positive environments; many students and their parents only “somewhat” like reading.
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At the AERA 2023 Annual Meeting, IEA and ETS are delighted to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of its open-access journal Large-scale Assessments in Education in an evening reception and panel discussion reflecting on the potential and limitations of secondary analyses of ILSA data.
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IEA is delighted to release "Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe: Evidence-Based Contributions for Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Multilingual Context" as the first volume in the new open access book series for teachers.
IEA is delighted to announce the release of IEA Teacher Snippets as the first of its freely accessible teacher resources to give back to teachers for all their support in IEA studies and investment in educational practice.
Based on a survey of school principals and teachers in Germany, KWiK shows that schools have adapted well to digital teaching and learning learning during the pandemic. However, digital skills training for teachers comes at the expense of other important areas of training.
Global school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic call attention to schools as important communities for more than teaching and learning.


TIMSS 2019 computer-based assessment included interactive features that capitalize on the digital environment for innovative and more efficient assessment of higher-order thinking skills.
Teachers in all participating countries have been using computers and information technology for learning and teaching significantly more frequently since the outbreak of COVID-19.
IEA studies indicate more can be done in some countries to teach Grade 8 students about how to protect the environment, and results from students’ answers to environmental science questions show there is room for improvement to build knowledge in this area.
IEA’s recently released TIMSS 2019 study provides an important global snapshot just prior to the pandemic disruption, where students’ mathematics and science achievement data can be explored in the context of home resources, such as the impact that a study desk or computer at home may have on a student's results.
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On International Day of Mathematics 2021, IEA finds more boys than girls internationally like learning mathematics and would like to pursue a career involving mathematics. Student interest in mathematics is also lower at the eighth grade compared to the fourth grade, according to TIMSS 2019 data from 64 countries.
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Based on a survey of school principals in seven German states, KWiK shows that schools are coping well with the challenges posed by the pandemic. However, it also shows that students with a migration background, special educational needs or social disadvantage require additional support.
Over the past year, as schools have closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of 21st century skills, such as digital communication, problem solving and technology use, have never been more important, but what are these skills and how are they incorporated into national curricula across the world?
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To mark the first public release of the TIMSS 2019 international database on 21 January, the recent data is used to explore digitalization in mathematics and science teaching.
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International results find most countries are reaching minimum proficiency, gender equity eroded in mathematics at fourth grade, and teachers requiring more professional development for integrating technology into their teaching.
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This International Literacy Day, IEA (The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) reflects on data from PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), in the context of the pandemic.
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The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and UNESCO are launching a study, in partnership with the European Commission (EC), to draw a more comprehensive picture of the pandemic’s impact on global education, entitled “Responses to Educational Disruption Survey (REDS”).
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New analysis of data from IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has raised worrying questions about how effectively schools will be able to maintain a degree of social distancing when they reopen.
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New analysis by IEA has given a fascinating insight into the proportion of young people who thought
that an infectious disease, like COVID-19, was a threat to humanity, and how students in some parts
of the world were far more concerned than others.
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New analysis of IEA data from the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) continues to shed light on the relationship between socio-economic status (measured by parental occupation) and the availability of digital devices in the home.
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New analysis of IEA data from the Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study (PIRLS) has shed new light on the link between children reporting feeling hungry and their academic performance.
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Education is changing. Countries around the world are broadening their educational vision to equip students with what are often termed 21st century skills. But what are these skills? How is the teaching of them incorporated into national curricula?
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The second cycle of IEA's International Computer and Information Literacy Study reveals that just 2% of students demonstrated an ability to critically assess information found online.
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As with the first cycle in 2013, ICILS assesses grade 8 students’ computer and information literacy, and computational thinking skills, in order to answer the critical question: how well are students prepared for study, work, and life in a digital world?
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Building on the first findings for the 2017 National Evaluation, this report presents further analysis of the data collected from about 60,000 Haitian fourth-grade students in nearly 2,000 schools, in efforts to support education in Haiti by building capacity in their assessment system.


Results from the Latin American report of the IEA's International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2016 reveal a strong association between students’ attitudes and their levels of civic knowledge in five Latin American countries.


Achievement rises, gender gaps narrow, and schools are safer, conclude the IEA.
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The new International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) reveals that ‘Only 2% of students use their critical thinking and teachers lack confidence in teaching essential ICT skills'.
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