
For more than 60 years, IEA has been a leading figure in the field of comparative studies of education. Our activities cover all aspects of educational research.
Current international IEA studies include TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, and ICILS. We also work closely with partner organizations to implement both international comparative studies and national studies within Germany. 

IEA Studies

Current IEA studies measure student achievement in mathematics and science (TIMSS), reading (PIRLS), civic and citizenship education (ICCS) and computer and information literacy (ICILS). Access our archive of previous IEA studies. 

Studies in Germany

For more than 20 years, IEA has conducted studies in Germany in cooperation with a significant number of scientific consortia, research institutes and universities. Access an overview of current and previous projects.

Additional Studies

We work closely with our partners to implement a wide-range of studies. These include the OECD (TALIS, TALIS Starting Strong & PIAAC), the Inter-American Development Bank (PRIDI) and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Rosetta Stone).