Membership and Participating Institutions

Institutional membership is open to any institution that has a strong research tradition and is concerned with promoting, supporting, and/or conducting educational research related to student achievement. Please note that non-members may still participate in IEA studies. A list of IEA members (*) and institutions participating in IEA studies are listed below. 

Member institutions are usually responsible for:

  • Implementing IEA studies within their countries (sometimes with respective partners);
  • Raising funds for national project costs and international coordination; and
  • Disseminating findings from IEA studies to a broad audience of government officials, policymakers, researchers, educators, and the media.

Membership also requires designation of a permanent representative to the IEA's General Assembly, which meets annually. IEA works cooperatively with all our members and partners to help and support the wider community and take a collaborative approach to all of our activities; every member and partner has an equal voice. Read more about becoming an IEA member here

The map contains an overview of current IEA institutional members.

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Aurora Balliu, National Agency of Examinations
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education and Science

73 S. Vratsyan Street

General Assembly representative

Dr. Zhanna Andreasyan , Ministry of Education and Science

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Arsen Baghdasaryan, Assessment and Testing Center
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Australian Council for Educational Research

Private Bag 55
19 Prospect Hill Rd
Camberwell VIC 3124

General Assembly representative

Dr. Eveline Gebhardt, Australian Council for Educational Research

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Nicole Wernert, Australian Council for Educational Research
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Kylie Hillman, Australian Council for Educational Research
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Minoritenplatz 5
1014 Vienna

General Assembly representative

Dr. Mark Német, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Lisa Wiesinger, Federal Institute for Education Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School System
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Juliane Schmich, Federal Institute for Education Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School System
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Iris Höller, Federal Institute for Education Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School System
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

49 Khatai Avenue
1008 Baku

General Assembly representative

Mr. Elnur Aliyev, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Shirin Mammadov, The Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Royal Mahmudov, The Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
(PIRLS 2026)
Mr. Shirin Mammadov, The Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, Bahrain

P.O. Box 43

General Assembly representative

Dr. Samah Al Ajjawi, Ministry of Education, Bahrain

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Samah Mohd Al Ajjawi, Ministry of Education, Bahrain
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Samah Mohd Al Ajjawi, Ministry of Education, Bahrain
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Flemish Ministry for Education and Training

Hendrik Consciencegebouw
Koning Albert II-Laan 15
1210 Brussels

General Assembly representative

Mr. Jeroen Backs, Flemish Ministry for Education and Training

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Dries Verhelst, University of Antwerp
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Katrijn Denies, KU Leuven
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Charlotte Struyve, KU Leuven
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Université de Liège

Bvd du Rectorat, 5 (bât. B32)
Sart Tilman
4000 Liège

General Assembly representative

Ms. Isabelle Demonty , Université de Liège

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Doriane Jaegers, Université de Liège
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Virginie Dupont, Université de Liège
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Anne Matoul, Université de Liège
(PIRLS 2026)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Branka Popić, Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education (APOSO)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Natasa Kokorus, Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education (APOSO)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Botswana Examinations Council

Private Bag 0070

General Assembly representative

Dr. Moreetsi Thobega, Botswana Examinations Council

Member institution

Ministry of Education National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)

Setor de Indústrias Gráficas (SIG), Quadra 4,

General Assembly representative

Mr. Alexandre Ribeiro Pereira Lopes, Ministry of Education National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Aline Fernandes Muler, Ministry of Education National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Silmary de Jesus Gonçalves Alvim, Ministry of Education National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Aline Fernandes Muler, Ministry of Education National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Luciana Fonseca de Aguilar Morais, Ministry of Education National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Center for Evaluation in the Pre-school and School Education

125, Tsarigradsko Shose blvd.
Bl. 5, fl. 2
1113 Sofia

General Assembly representative

Ms. Neda Kristanova, Center for Evaluation in the Pre-school and School Education

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Marina Vasileva Mavrodieva, Center for Evaluation in the Pre-school and School Education
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Marina Vasileva Mavrodieva, Center for Evaluation in the Pre-school and School Education
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Natalia Vassileva, Center for Evaluation in the Pre-school and School Education
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)

95 St. Clair Avenue West
Suite 1106
Toronto ON M4V 1N6

General Assembly representative

Dr. Vanja Elez, Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Manuel Cardoso, Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Tanya Scerbina, Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Tanya Scerbina, Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)
(PIRLS 2026)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Jeannette Amio, Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Jennifer Hove, Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)
(TIMSS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Marie-Ève Proulx, Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur- Quebec
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Agencia de Calidad de la Educación

Morandé 360
piso 9.

General Assembly representative

Ms. Carolina Leyton, Agencia de Calidad de la Educación

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Macarena Domínguez Lazcano, Agencia de Calidad de la Educación
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Gabriel Mendoza Gonzalez, Agencia de Calidad de la Educación
(ICILS 2023)
Ms. Millicent Bader, Agencia de Calidad de la Educación
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

China National Academy of Educational Sciences

No. 46 Beisanhuan Zhonglu
Haidian Qu
Beijing Shi, 100088

General Assembly representative

Dr. Li Yongzhi, China National Academy of Educational Sciences

Member institution

National Academy for Educational Research

No.2, Sanshu Rd
Sanxia District, New Taipei City 23703

General Assembly representative

Dr. Chung-I Lin, National Academy for Educational Research

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Che-Di John Lee, National Taiwan Normal University
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Ming-Lei Chen, National Tsing Hua University
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Cheng-Chih Wu, National Taiwan Normal University
(ICILS 2023)
Dr. Meihui Liu, National Taiwan Normal University
(ICCS 2022)
Dr. Meng-Jung Tsai, National Taiwan Normal University
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation

Av. Calle 26
#69-76 Edificio Elemento, Torre Fuego, Piso 18
Bogotá, DC

General Assembly representative

Mr. Andrés Elías Molano Flechas, Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Paola Caro, Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation
(ICCS 2022)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Kouame Kouassi Dares, Ministerè DE L’Éducation Nationale Et De L'aphabétisation
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

National Center for External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO)

Ulica Damira Tomljanovića-Gavrana 11
10000 Zagreb

General Assembly representative

Dr. Ines Elezović, National Center for External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Ines Elezović, National Center for External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO)
(ICCS 2022)
Mr. Hrvoje Mladinić, National Center for External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

University of Nicosia School of Education

46 Makedonitissas Avenue, Engomi
1700 Nicosia

General Assembly representative

Prof. Elena Papanastasiou, University of Nicosia School of Education

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Yiasemina Karagiorgi, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Yiasemina Karagiorgi, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Yiasemina Karagiorgi, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
(ICCS 2022)
Dr. Yiasemina Karagiorgi, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Czech School Inspectorate

Fráni Šrámka 37
150 21 Prague 5

General Assembly representative

Mr. Tomáš Zatloukal, Czech School Inspectorate

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Libor Klement, Czech School Inspectorate
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Zuzana Janotová, Czech School Inspectorate
(PIRLS 2026)
Mr. Josef Basl, Czech School Inspectorate
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Aarhus University, Danish School of Education (DPU)

Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4
Novelparken, Building 1483
8000 Aarhus

General Assembly representative

Dr. Christian Christrup Kjeldsen, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education (DPU)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Christian Christrup Kjeldsen, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education (DPU)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Simon Skov Fougt, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education (DPU)
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Jens Marvin Bruun, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education (DPU)
(ICCS 2022)
Dr. Jeppe Bundsgaard, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education (DPU)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation (NCEEE)

30 Alhadaba Al Olia
Al Mokatem

Member institution

Department for Education

Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street, Westminster

General Assembly representative

Ms. Clare Baker, Department of Education

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Grace Grima, Pearson
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Grace Grima, Pearson
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Estonian Ministry of Education and Research

Munga 18
50088 Tartu

General Assembly representative

Dr. Mare OJA, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Meril Ümarik, Tallinn University
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research

Alvar Aallon katu 9
Ruusupuisto building,
40014 Jyväskylä

General Assembly representative

Ms. Najat Ouakrim-Soivio, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Jenni Kotila, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Jouni Vettenranta, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Jenna Hiltunen, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Kaisa Leino, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Marjo-Riina Sirén, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Janne Fagerlund, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
(ICILS 2023)
Dr. Kaisa Leino, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse

61–65 rue Dutot
75015 Paris

General Assembly representative

Dr. Thierry Rocher, Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Franck Salles, Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Isabelle Cioldi, Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Julien Desclaux, Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Elodie Persem, Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse
(ICILS 2023)
Ms. Elodie Persem, Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse
(ICCS 2022)
Ms. Laurent Korchia, Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

National Center for Educational Research (NCER)

31a, Anna Politkovskaya Street
0186 Tbilisi

General Assembly representative

Mr. David Gabelaia, National Center for Educational Research (NCER)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. George Nadareishvili, National Center for Educational Research (NCER)
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Mamuka Jibladze, National Center for Educational Research (NCER)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Nino Tsulaia, National Center for Educational Research (NCER)
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Sophio Dolidze, National Center for Educational Research (NCER)
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF)

Rostocker Straße 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

General Assembly representative

Prof. Dr. Frank Goldhammer, Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Knut Schwippert, University of Hamburg
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Nele McElvany, TU Dortmund University
(PIRLS 2026)
Prof. Dr. Birgit Eickelmann, University of Paderborn
(ICILS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Hermann Josef Abs, University of Duisburg-Essen
(ICCS 2022)
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Drossel, University of Paderborn
(ICILS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Katrin Hahn-Laudenberg, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Early Childhood Education

Navarinou Street 13A
106 80 Athens

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Maria Nika, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Institute of Educational Policy (IEP)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Education

Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong Island
R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong

General Assembly representative

Prof. Rui Yang, The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Education

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Kit-Tai Hau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Madeline Xiaoming Xi, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Educational Authority

Szalay u. 10–14

General Assembly representative

Mr. Sándor Brassói, Educational Authority

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Ildikó Palincsár, Educational Authority
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Emese Suhajda, Educational Authority
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Andrea Fási, Educational Authority
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education and Culture, Office for Research and Development

Building E, 2nd Floor
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Senayan
Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta 12190

General Assembly representative

Prof. Dr. Totok Suprayitno, Ministry of Education and Culture, Office for Research and Development

Member institution

Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP) Research Institute for Education (RIE)

Tehran Province
No 6. Dehghani nia Alley (Ex. Khosrow)
Iranshahr St.

General Assembly representative

Dr. Ali Mohebbi, Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP) Research Institute for Education (RIE)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Masoud Kabiri, Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP) Research Institute for Education (RIE)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Masoud Kabiri, Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP) Research Institute for Education (RIE)
(PIRLS 2026)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Huda Salah Kareem, Ministry of Education, Iraq
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Educational Research Centre

DCU St Patrick's College Campus
Dublin 9
Co. Dublin

General Assembly representative

Dr. Aidan Clerkin, Educational Research Centre

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Sylvia Denner, Educational Research Centre
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Gráinne McHugh, Educational Research Centre
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Fionnuala Shortt, Educational Research Centre
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Lorraine Gilleece, Educational Research Centre
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA)

5 Jabotinsky, 2nd Floor
Ramat Gan 5252006

General Assembly representative

Dr. Noa Schori Eyal , Ministry of Education, National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Georgette Hilu, Ministry of Education, National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Francine Essa, Ministry of Education, National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Georgette Hilu, Ministry of Education, National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA)
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Noa Schori Eyal , Ministry of Education, National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA)
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di Formazione (INVALSI)

Via Ippolito Nievo 35
00153 Roma RM

General Assembly representative

Dr. Roberto Ricci, Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di Formazione (INVALSI)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Elisa Caponera, Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di Formazione (INVALSI)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Margherita Emiletti, Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di Formazione (INVALSI)
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Elisa Caponera, Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di Formazione (INVALSI)
(ICILS 2023)
Dr. Sabrina Greco, Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di Formazione (INVALSI)
(ICCS 2022)
Mr. Carlo Di Chiacchio, Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di Formazione (INVALSI)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER) Department for Curriculum Research

3-2-2 Kasumigaseki
Tokyo, Tokyo

General Assembly representative

Dr. Fumi Ginshima, National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER) Department for Curriculum Research

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Fumi Ginshima, National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER) Department for Curriculum Research
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

National Center for Human Resources Development (NCHRD)

Yajouz Street, Al-Jubaiha
P.O. Box 560
Amman 11941

General Assembly representative

Dr. Abdalla Yousef Awad Al-Ababneh, National Center for Human Resources Development (NCHRD)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Loay Shawashreh, National Center for Human Resources Development (NCHRD)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Loay Shawashreh, National Center for Human Resources Development (NCHRD)
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Ministry of Education and Science, JSC National Center for Education Research and Evaluation “Taldau” named after Ahmet Baitursynuly

29/1 Konayev Street, Business Center "Diplomat"
010010, Astana

General Assembly representative

Dr. Assel Kambatyrova, Ministry of Education and Science, JSC National Center for Education Research and Evaluation “Taldau” named after Ahmet Baitursynuly

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Aigul Baigulova, Ministry of Education and Science, JSC National Center for Education Research and Evaluation “Taldau” named after Ahmet Baitursynuly
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Nazym Smanova, Ministry of Education and Science, JSC National Center for Education Research and Evaluation “Taldau” named after Ahmet Baitursynuly
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Munira Vassilova, Ministry of Education and Science, JSC National Center for Education Research and Evaluation “Taldau” named after Ahmet Baitursynuly
(ICILS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Samuel Ngaruiya

Member institution

Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)

8, Gychak-ro, Deoksan-Eupr
Corée du Sud

General Assembly representative

Mr. Seung Keol Oh, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Minhee Seo, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Minhee Seo, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Minhee Seo, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)
(ICILS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Mirlinda Dehari-Zeka, The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Vjollca Ymerhalili, The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Besa Gashi, The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo
(ICILS 2023)
Ms. Birsen Sufta, The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, Kuwait

Sharq, Jaber Al-Mubarak Street
Kuwait City 501

General Assembly representative

Mr. Salah Dabsha, Ministry of Education, Kuwait

National Research Coordinator(s)

Director General Office, Ministry of Education, Kuwait
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Abdulaziz Waleed Al-Sulaiti, Ministry of Education, Kuwait
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology

19, Raina Blvd.
Riga, LV-1586

General Assembly representative

Ms. Rita Kiselova, University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Linda Mihno, University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Antra Ozola, University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Ireta Čekse, University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
(ICCS 2022)
Dr. Olga Pole, University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

A. Volano 2
01124 Vilnius

General Assembly representative

Dr. Rita Dukynaitė, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Agnietė Dudaitė-Zavistanavičienė, National Education Agency for Education
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Asta Buineviciute, National Education Agency for Education
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Ramutė Skripkienė, National Education Agency for Education
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Lina Pareigiene, National Education Agency for Education
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse

33, Rives de Clausen
2165 Luxembourg

General Assembly representative

Ms. Elisa Mazzucato, Ministère de l'Éducation nationale de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Elisa Mazzucato, Ministère de l'Éducation nationale de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
(ICILS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Napier Kin Mou Wong, Education and Youth Development Bureau
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Napier Kin Mou Wong, Education and Youth Development Bureau
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Educational Policy Planning and Research Division

Level B-4, Block E8, Complex E
Federal Government Administration Centre
62604 Putrajaya

General Assembly representative

Dr. Nor Saidatul Rajeah Zamzam Amin, Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Educational Policy Planning and Research Division

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Azlin Abdul Jalal, Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Educational Policy Planning and Research Division
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Sharida Hanim Sarif, Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Educational Policy Planning and Research Division
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry for Education Sport, Youth, Research and Education, Malta

Great Siege Road

General Assembly representative

Mr. Sinclair Grima, Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Jude Zammit, Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Jude Zammit, Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Karen Grixti, Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta
(PIRLS 2026)
Mr. Jude Zammit, Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta
(ICILS 2023)
Mr. Jude Zammit, Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE)

Av. Barranca del Muerto no. 341
Colonia San José Insurgentes, Del.
Benito Juárez
03900 México, CDMX

General Assembly representative

Dr. Andrés Sánchez Moguel, Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Marina Radović, Examination Centre of Montenegro
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle

32 Cité Al Irfane Avenue des FAR
Hay Riad
10000 Rabat

General Assembly representative

Dr. Mohammed Sassi, Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Mohammed Sassi, Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Anass Elasraoui, Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Rijnstraat 50
Postbus 16375
2500 BJ The Hague

General Assembly representative

Ms. Denise Heiligers, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Martina Meelissen, University of Twente
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Nicole Swart, Dutch Center for Language Education (Expertisecentrum Nederlands)
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Joyce Gubbels, Dutch Center for Language Education (Expertisecentrum Nederlands)
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Alexander Krepel, Kohnstamm Instituut, University of Amsterdam
(ICILS 2023)
Dr. Remmert Daas, Universiteit van Amsterdam
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, Educational Measurement and Assessment

1 The Terrace
PO Box 1666
Wellington 6140

General Assembly representative

Mr. Barclay Anstiss, Ministry of Education, Educational Measurement and Assessment

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Steve May, Ministry of Education, Educational Measurement and Assessment
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Hannah Bennett, Ministry of Education, Educational Measurement and Assessment
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

National Examinations Centre

ul. Vasil Gjorgov bb
1000 Skopje
Macédoine du Nord

General Assembly representative

Ms. Daniela Jovchevska Mihajlovska, National Examinations Centre

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Beti Lameva, National Examinations Centre
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Biljana Mihajlovska, National Examinations Centre
(PIRLS 2026)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Grace Grima, Pearson
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Grace Grima, Pearson
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Department for Research and International Studies

Schweigaards gate 15B
PO Box 9359 Grønland
0135 Oslo

General Assembly representative

Ms. Annette Qvam, Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Department for Research and International Studies

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Hege Kaarstein, University of Oslo
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Åse Kari Wagner, University of Stavanger
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Oddveig Storstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(ICCS 2022)
Ms. Anubha Rohatgi, University of Oslo
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, Oman

P.O. Box 3, PC 100
Muscat, Ruwai

General Assembly representative

Dr. Yahya Khamis Al Harthi, Ministry of Education, Oman

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Maya Said Al Azri , Ministry of Education, Oman
(TIMSS 2023)
Mr. Masooma Habib Al Ajmi, Ministry of Education, Oman
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Maya Said Al Azri, Ministry of Education, Oman
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education / Assessment and Evaluation Center (AEC)

Street P.O. Box 576, Al Masyoun
City Ramallah
Territoires palestiniens

General Assembly representative

Dr. Mohammad O Matar Mustafa, Ministry of Education / Assessment and Evaluation Center (AEC)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Mohammad O Matar Mustafa, Ministry of Education / Assessment and Evaluation Center (AEC)
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Science Education Institute, Department of Science and Technology

1st and 2nd levels, Science Heritage Building DOST Compound
Gen. Santos Avenue
Taguig City

General Assembly representative

Dr. Josette Biyo, Science Education Institute, Department of Science and Technology

Member institution

Educational Research Institute

Górczewska 8
01-180 Warsaw

General Assembly representative

Dr. Michał Sitek, Educational Research Institute

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Michał Sitek, Educational Research Institute
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Wioleta Dobosz-Leszczyńska, Educational Research Institute
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Wioleta Dobosz-Leszczyńska, Educational Research Institute
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Olga Wasilewska, Educational Research Institute
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

Instituto de Avaliação Educativa, I.P. (IAVE)

Tv. Terras de Sant'Ana, 15
1250-269 Lisbon

General Assembly representative

Dr. Luís Pereira Dos Santos, Instituto de Avaliação Educativa, I.P. (IAVE)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Anabela Serrão, Instituto de Avaliação Educativa, I.P. (IAVE)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Anabela Serrão, Instituto de Avaliação Educativa, I.P. (IAVE)
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Anabela Serrão, Instituto de Avaliação Educativa, I.P. (IAVE)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education and Higher Education

P.O. Box 35111

General Assembly representative

Mr. Khalid Al-Harqan, Ministry of Education and Higher Education

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Asma Yousef Al-Harqan, Ministry of Education and Higher Education
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Asma Yousef Al-Harqan, Ministry of Education and Higher Education
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Sos. Panduri 90
050657 Bucharest

General Assembly representative

Dr. Lucian Ciolan, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Dragos Iliescu, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Vlad Burtaverde, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Laura-Maria Ierulescu, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
(PIRLS 2026)
Prof. Oana Dubalaru, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Catalina Ulrich, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
(ICCS 2022)
Dr. Olimpius Istrate, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education National Center for Assessment

P.O. Box 68566
Arabie saoudite

General Assembly representative

Dr. Abdullah Alqataee, Ministry of Education National Center for Assessment

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Abdullah M.B. Aljouiee, Ministry of Education National Center for Assessment
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Abdullah M.B. Aljouiee, Ministry of Education National Center for Assessment
(PIRLS 2026)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Grace Grima, Pearson
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation

Fabrisova 10
11040 Belgrade

General Assembly representative

Prof. Dr. Branislav Randjelović, Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Danijela Djukic, Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation
(TIMSS 2023)
Prof. Dr. Branislav Randjelović, Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Katarina Aleksić, Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation
(ICILS 2023)
Ms. Tanja Trbojević, Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

Ministry of Education

1 North Buona Vista Drive
Level 17

General Assembly representative

Dr. Laik Woon Teh, Ministry of Education, Singapore

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Huiyuan Lin, Ministry of Education, Singapore
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Elizabeth Pang, Ministry of Education, Singapore
(PIRLS 2026)
Mr. Sean Tan, Ministry of Education, Singapore
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Chan Lee Shan, Ministry of Education, Singapore
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Vanessa Chua, Ministry of Education, Singapore
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVAM)

Ševčenkova 11
850 05 Bratislava

General Assembly representative

Dr. Ivana Pichaničová, National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVAM)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Andrea Galádová, National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVAM)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Jarmila Lehkoživová, National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVAM)
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Romana Panáčková, National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVAM)
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Gabriella Kopas, National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVAM)
(ICCS 2022)
Ms. Romana Panáčková, National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVAM)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Educational Research Institute

Gerbičeva 62
1000 Ljubljana

General Assembly representative

Dr. Eva Klemenčič-Mirazchiyski, Educational Research Institute

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Barbara Japelj Pavešić, Educational Research Institute
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Eva Klemenčič-Mirazchiyski, Educational Research Institute
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Eva Klemenčič-Mirazchiyski, Educational Research Institute
(ICCS 2022)
Dr. Eva Klemenčič-Mirazchiyski, Educational Research Institute
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Department of Basic Education

222 Struben Street
Private Bag X895
Afrique du Sud

General Assembly representative

Dr. Mark Chetty, National Assessment Department of Basic Education

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Mark Chetty, National Assessment Department of Basic Education
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE)

Paseo del Prado, 28, 4ª planta
28014 Madrid Madrid

General Assembly representative

Ms. Carmen Tovar Sánchez, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Rocío Carrascosa Sestines, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE)
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Rocío Carrascosa Sestines, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE)
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Veronica Díez Girado, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE)
(PIRLS 2026)
Mr. Ricardo Callejo, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE)
(ICCS 2022)
Mr. Ricardo Callejo, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE)
(ICILS 2023)

Member institution

Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)

Svetsarrägen 16,
PO Box 4002
171 04 Solna

General Assembly representative

Dr. Maria Axelsson, Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Maria Axelsson, Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Cecilia Stenman, Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)
(PIRLS 2026)
Dr. Fredrik Aspling, Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)
(ICILS 2023)
Ms. Stephanie Plenty, Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)
(ICCS 2022)

Member institution

Office of the Education Council

99/20 Sukhothai Road
Dusit, Bangkok

General Assembly representative

Dr. Atthaphon Sangkhawasee , Office of the Education Council

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Bashdar S. Mawlud, Ministry of Education-KRG
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

The Ministry of National Education, Measurement, Assessment and Examination Services

Teknikokullar`Emniyet Mahallesi Milas
No:8 Yenimahalle
06500 Sokak /Ankara

General Assembly representative

Dr. Umut Erkin Taş, The Ministry of National Education, Measurement, Assessment and Examination Services

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Muhsin Polat, The Ministry of National Education
(TIMSS 2023)

Member institution

Ministry of Education, UAE, Assessment Department

P.O. Box 3962
Émirats arabes unis

General Assembly representative

Dr. Rabaa Alsumaiti, Ministry of Education, UAE, Assessment Department

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Shaikha Ali Al Zaabi, Abu Dhabi Education Council
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Iman Ibrahim Belrahif, Ministry of Education, UAE
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Nada Abu Baker Husain Ruban, Ministry of Education, UAE
(PIRLS 2026)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Iman Belrahif, Abu Dhabi Education Council
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Wafa Alhashimi, Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge
(PIRLS 2026)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Mariam Al Ali, Knowledge and Human Development Authority
(TIMSS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Nada Abu Baker Husain Ruban, Ministry of Education, UAE, Assessment Department
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Shaikha Ali Alzaabi, Ministry of Education, UAE, Assessment Department
(TIMSS 2023)
Ms. Aisha Al Kindi, Sharjah Private Education Authority
(PIRLS 2026)
Ms. Zahraa AlSafendy, Ministry of Education, UAE
(PIRLS 2026)

Member institution

US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

Potomac Center Plaza
550 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20202

General Assembly representative

Ms. Mary Coleman, US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Dr. Lydia Malley, US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
(TIMSS 2023)
Dr. Linda Hamilton, US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
(ICILS 2023)

National Research Coordinator(s)

Ms. Valentina Cancela, Plan Ceibal
(ICILS 2023)
Ms. Mariana González Burgstaller, Plan Ceibal

National Research Coordinator(s)

Mr. Abduvali Ismailov, State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education
(TIMSS 2023)