Our Staff

First Name Last name Job Title/Unit Phone E-Mail
David Acosta Software Unit +49 (0)40 48500 524 david.acosta@iea-hamburg.de
Miguel Acosta Software Unit +49 (0)40 48500 523 miguel.acosta@iea-hamburg.de
Yasin Afana International Project Manager yasin.afana@iea-hamburg.de
Renato Alves Coppi International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 732 renato.coppi@iea-hamburg.de
Umut Atasever Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 754 umut.atasever@iea-hamburg.de
Mohammadreza Atrian Software Unit +49 (0)40 48500 523 mohamadreza.atrian@iea-hamburg.de
Vera Bachmann Reception +49 (0)40 48500 669 vera.bachmann@iea-hamburg.de
Purya Baghaei Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 673 purya.baghaei@iea-hamburg.de
Kai Caroline Bartels Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 619 kai-caroline.bartels@iea-hamburg.de
Clara Beyer International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 707 clara.beyer@iea-hamburg.de
Mira Bocti International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 709 mira.bocti@iea-hamburg.de
Viktoria Gabriele Böhm International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 730 viktoria.boehm@iea-hamburg.de
Regina Borchardt National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 603 regina.borchardt@iea-hamburg.de
Betina Borisova Data Protection, Contracts, and Compliance Officer +31 (0) 20 625 36 25 b.borisova@iea.nl
Fatima Bouchibane Office Manager +31 (0)20 625 3625 secretariat@iea.nl
Claudia Bovensiepen National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 651 claudia.bovensiepen@iea-hamburg.de
Colm Brennan Media and Communications Liaison +31 (0)20 6253625 c.brennan@iea.nl
Falk Brese Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 611 falk.brese@iea-hamburg.de
Carola Bretsch Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 652 carola.bretsch@iea-hamburg.de
Jan-Peter Broek Financial Director +31 (0)20 625 3625 jp.broek@iea.nl
Felix Bröhl National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 646 felix.broehl@iea-hamburg.de
Svenja Bundt Deputy Director IEA Hamburg +49 (0)40 48500 601 svenja.bundt@iea-hamburg.de
Sascha Burger Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 632 sascha.burger@iea-hamburg.de
Jenny Burger National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 623 jenny.burger@iea-hamburg.de
Ralph Carstens Senior Research Advisor +49 (0)40 48500 607 ralph.carstens@iea-hamburg.de
Ayla Çetinalp Reception +49 (0)40 48500 500 ayla.cetinalp@iea-hamburg.de
Laura Cheeseman Communications Officer +31 (0)20 6253625 l.cheeseman@iea.nl
Minge Chen Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 671 minge.chen@iea-hamburg.de
Andrés Christiansen Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 672 andres.christiansen@iea-hamburg.de
Joshua Claus Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 647 joshua.claus@iea-hamburg.de
Mark Cockle International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 714 mark.cockle@iea-hamburg.de
Frederik Collenz Facility Management frederik.collenz@iea-hamburg.de
Angela Colley Junior Publications Copyeditor +31 (0) 20 625 36 25 a.colley@iea.nl
Diego Cortes Research and Analysis Unit/Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 679 diego.cortes@iea-hamburg.de
Connie Crossman Jong International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 741 connie.crossman@iea-hamburg.de
Ute Curth-Kalkbrenner National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 620 ute.curth-kalkbrenner@iea-hamburg.de
Giorgio Da Ros Facility Management giorgio.da-ros@iea-hamburg.de
Tim Daniel International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 719 tim.daniel@iea-hamburg.de
Alischa Dietz National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 651 alischa.dietz@iea-hamburg.de
Tetyana Dittmers Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 659 tetyana.dittmers@iea-hamburg.de
Limiao Duan Software Unit +49 (0)40 48500 520 limiao.duan@iea-hamburg.de
Daniel Duckworth Item Development Specialist +61 (0)3 9034 9888 d.duckworth@iea.nl
David Ebbs Senior Research Officer +31 (0)20 625 3625 d.ebbs@iea.nl
Tina Ebert National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 624 tina.ebert@iea-hamburg.de
Ikram El Jabiry International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 729 ikram.eljabiry@iea-hamburg.de
Philippa Elliott Publications Manager +31 (0)20 625 3625 p.elliott@iea.nl
Aisha Elsayed International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 742 aisha.elsayed@iea-hamburg.de
Nurullah Eryilmaz Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 686 nurullah.eryilmaz@iea-hamburg.de
Siegmar Fellbrich Facility Management +49 (0)40 48500 571 siegmar.fellbrich@iea-hamburg.de
Eva Feron Head of International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 703 eva.feron@iea-hamburg.de
Christina Forward Accounting +49 (0)40 48500 544 christina.forward@iea-hamburg.de
Julian Fraillon Senior Project Advisor +61 (0)3 9034 9888 j.fraillon@iea.nl
Laura Frassa National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 694 laura.frassa@iea-hamburg.de
Eleonora Gallo Junior Graphic Designer +31 (0)20 625 3625 e.gallo@iea.nl
Isabelle Gémin Senior Financial Officer +31 (0)20 625 3625 i.gemin@iea.nl
Niloufar Ghaffarpour Asli Controlling +49 (0)40 48500 585 niloufar.ghaffarpour@iea-hamburg.de
Jens Gomolka Head of National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 602 jens.gomolka@iea-hamburg.de
Christian Groth Deputy Director IEA Hamburg +49 (0)40 48500 535 christian.groth@iea-hamburg.de
Özcan Gülnaz Facility Management oezcan.guelnaz@iea-hamburg.de
Darrell Gwaltney International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 713 darrell.gwaltney@iea-hamburg.de
Kateřina Hartmanová Research Officer +31 (0) 20 625 36 25 k.hartmanova@iea.nl
Frank Hartung National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 621 frank.hartung@iea-hamburg.de
Dirk Hastedt Executive Director, IEA +31 (0)20 625 3625 d.hastedt@iea.nl
Miriam Hellrung Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 664 miriam.hellrung@iea-hamburg.de
Maren Hempen Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 639 maren.hempen@iea-hamburg.de
Juliane Hencke Director IEA Hamburg +49 (0)40 48500 701 juliane.hencke@iea-hamburg.de
Peter Hillen National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 648 peter.hillen@iea-hamburg.de
Janina Hoeth Human Resources +49 (0)40 48500 565 janina.hoeth@iea-hamburg.de
Marlen Holtmann Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 687 marlen.holtmann@iea-hamburg.de
Eduardo Honorato National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 616 eduardo.honorato@iea-hamburg.de
Nina Hugk Head of Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 615 nina.hugk@iea-hamburg.de
Isbat Ibn Hasnat Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48 500 749 isbat.hasnat@iea-hamburg.de
Rick Irokromo Financial Administrative +31 (0)20 625 36 25 r.irokromo@iea.nl
Leyla Jafarova International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 729 leyla.jafarova@iea-hamburg.de
Wolfram Jarchow Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 630 wolfram.jarchow@iea-hamburg.de
Maike Junod Software Unit +49 (0)40 48500 524 maike.junod@iea-hamburg.de
Anja Kalk Assistant to the Director IEA Hamburg +49 (0)40 48500 690 anja.kalk@iea-hamburg.de
Svenja Kalmbach Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 711 svenja.kalmbach@iea-hamburg.de
Marius Kaltenbach Researcher National Studies marius.kaltenbach@iea-hamburg.de
Alec Kennedy Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 678 alec.kennedy@iea-hamburg.de
Ahmad Khalil Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 744 ahmad.khalil@iea-hamburg.de
Abdullah-Ahmed Khan Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 614 abdullah-ahmed.khan@iea-hamburg.de
Steffen Knoll Study Director International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 605 steffen.knoll@iea-hamburg.de
Juliane Kobelt International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 653 juliane.kobelt@iea-hamburg.de
Eleonora Kolomiets International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 742 eleonora.kolomiets@iea-hamburg.de
Ann-Kristin Koop Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 677 randa@iea-hamburg.de
Paulína Koršňáková Senior Research and Liaison Adviser +31 (0)20 625 3625 p.korsnakova@iea.nl
Kamil Kowolik International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 726 kamil.kowolik@iea-hamburg.de
Hannah Kowolik International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 725 hannah.kowolik@iea-hamburg.de
Morgan Kramm Events and Communications Officer +31 (0)20 6253625 m.kramm@iea.nl
Rüdiger Krebs Technical Editor +49 (0)40 48500 759 ruediger.krebs@iea-hamburg.de
Cornelia Kutter Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 629 cornelia.kutter@iea-hamburg.de
Chen-Ho Lee International Studies Unit +49 (0) 40 48500 741 chen-ho.lee@iea-hamburg.de
Jurij Lenar International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 723 jurij.lenar@iea-hamburg.de
Rodrigo Leyton Cornejo Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 755 rodrigo.leyton@iea-hamburg.de
Yuan-Ling Liaw Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 681 yuan-ling.liaw@iea-hamburg.de
Ronja Lührs Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 654 ronja.luehrs@iea-hamburg.de
Guido Martin Head of Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 612 guido.martin@iea-hamburg.de
Sabine Meinck Co-Head of Research and Analysis Unit & Head of the Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 750 sabine.meinck@iea-hamburg.de
Ana María Mejía Rodríguez Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 677 ana.mejia-rodriguez@iea-hamburg.de
Nathalie Mertes Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 674 nathalie.mertes@iea-hamburg.de
Sebastian Meyer International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 724 sebastian.meyer@iea-hamburg.de
Maren Meyer-Everdt Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 606 maren.meyer-everdt@iea-hamburg.de
Florence Mitchell-Green Junior Research Officer +31 (0)20 6253625 f.mitchellgreen@iea.nl
Delnaz Mohebi Software Unit delnaz.mohebi@iea-hamburg.de
Oriana Mora Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 638 oriana.mora@iea-hamburg.de
Marta Moreno Research Officer +31 (0)20 625 36 25 m.moreno@iea.nl
Lauren Musu Head of TIQ +31 (0)20 625 3625 l.musu@iea.nl
Andrea Netten Director, IEA Amsterdam +31 (0)20 625 3625 a.netten@iea.nl
Oliver Neuschmidt Lead of Capacity Building Team +49 (0)40 48500 705 oliver.neuschmidt@iea-hamburg.de
Zarrinigor Nozimova International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 670 zarrinigor.nozimova@iea-hamburg.de
Jennifer Oberlein Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 633 jennifer.oberlein@iea-hamburg.de
Tingting Pang National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 644 tingting.pang@iea-hamburg.de
Evangelia Papadopoulou Accounting Officer +31 (0)20 625 36 25 e.papadopoulou@iea.nl
Karsten Penon Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 752 karsten.penon@iea-hamburg.de
Widianto Persadha International Studies Unit +49 (0) 40 48500 741 widianto.persadha@iea-hamburg.de
Catherine Pfeifer Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 628 catherine.pfeifer@iea-hamburg.de
Mar Puigbert Moreno Events & Communications Officer +31 (0) 20 625 36 25 m.puigbert@iea.nl
Tahira Qadri Research Officer t.qadri@iea.nl
Rafaela Rau Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 634 rafaela.rau@iea-hamburg.de
Ali Raza International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 749 ali.raza@iea-hamburg.de
Frank Rieckmann Information Security +49 (0)40 48500 757 information_security@iea-hamburg.de
Maximiliano Romero Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 684 maximiliano.romero@iea-hamburg.de
Mojca Rozman Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 681 mojca.rozman@iea-hamburg.de
Duygu Savaşcı-Smith Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 743 duygu.savasci-smith@iea-hamburg.de
André Schäfer Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 680 andre.schaefer@iea-hamburg.de
Jasmin Schiffer Senior Graphic Designer +31 (0)20 625 3625 j.schiffer@iea.nl
Michael Schmidt Facility Management +49 (0)40 48500 572 michael.schmidt@iea-hamburg.de
Lydia Schünemann Accounting +49 (0)40 48500 541 lydia.schuenemann@iea-hamburg.de
Joana Schwenck Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 656 joana.schwenck@iea-hamburg.de
Jana Servatius Accounting +49 (0)40 48500 691 jana.servatius@iea-hamburg.de
Refilwe Setimela Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 684 refilwe.setimela@iea-hamburg.de
Heiko Sibberns Senior Research Advisor +49 (0)40 48500 600 heiko.sibberns@iea-hamburg.de
Ulrich Sievers Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 627 ulrich.sievers@iea-hamburg.de
Marco Silkenath National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 626 marco.silkenath@iea-hamburg.de
Megan Sim International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 704 megan.sim@iea-hamburg.de
Makin Songwe National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 650 makin.songwe@iea-hamburg.de
Daniela Specks Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 655 daniela.specks@iea-hamburg.de
Maike Spraul Human Resources +49 (0)40 48500 545 maike.spraul@iea-hamburg.de
Agnes Stancel-Piątak Senior Research Analyst, Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 675 agnes.stancel-piatak@iea-hamburg.de
Almuth Stangenberg National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 625 almuth.stangenberg@iea-hamburg.de
Mareike Steffen Accounting +49 (0)40 48500 548 mareike.steffen@iea-hamburg.de
Justin Stierand National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 650 justin.stierand@iea-hamburg.de
Andrés Strello Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 683 andres.strello@iea-hamburg.de
Rolf Strietholt Co-Head of Research & Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 760 rolf.strietholt@iea-hamburg.de
Xiao Sui International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 744 xiao.sui@iea-hamburg.de
Farhana Tabassum International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 660 farhana.tabassum@iea-hamburg.de
Milena Taneva International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 702 milena.taneva@iea-hamburg.de
Sujith Thulaseedharan Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 614 sujith.thulaseedharan@iea-hamburg.de
Sabine Tieck Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 753 sabine.tieck@iea-hamburg.de
Pablo Torres-Irribarra Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 687 pablo.torres-irribarra@iea-hamburg.de
Antonio Traub Ochoa Research and Analysis Unit antonio.traub@iea-hamburg.de
Amadou Boubacar Trubert National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 621 amadou.trubert@iea-hamburg.de
Achilleas Tsioumlekis Senior Financial Officer +31 (0)20 625 36 25 a.tsioumlekis@iea.nl
Gleb Turezkiy National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 642 gleb.turezkiy@iea-hamburg.de
Stephan Tusch Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48500 696 stephan.tusch@iea-hamburg.de
Daniel Ugurel International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 768 daniel.ugurel@iea-hamburg.de
Duygu Uyar International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 743 duygu.uyar@iea-hamburg.de
Raegen van Bree Assistant to the Executive Director +31 (0) 20 625 36 25 r.vanbree@iea.nl
Svetoslav Kostov Velkov Software Unit +49 (0)40 48500 533 svetoslav.velkov@iea-hamburg.de
Richard Vielberg National Data Management Unit +49 (0)40 48500 685 richard.vielberg@iea-hamburg.de
Adriana Viteri International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 717 adriana.viteri@iea-hamburg.de
Stephanie Vocke Coding Unit +49 (0)40 48500 610 stephanie.vocke@iea-hamburg.de
Vanisa Vongphanakhone International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 716 vanisa.vongphanakhone@iea-hamburg.de
Sabrina Wagner Sampling Unit +49 (0)40 48500 641 sabrina.wagner@iea-hamburg.de
Anna Waksmundzka Junior Research Officer +31 (0) 20 625 36 25 a.waksmundzka@iea.nl
Valvisa Wanikiat-Plambeck Field Operations Unit +49 (0)40 48 500 665 valvisa.wanikiat@iea-hamburg.de
Anja Waschk Study Director International Studies Unit +49 (0)40 48500 604 anja.waschk@iea-hamburg.de
Eliza Noelle Wieske Research and Analysis Unit +49 (0)40 48500 658 eliza.wieske@iea-hamburg.de
Bettina Wietzorek Assistant to the Senior Research Advisor +49 (0)40 48500 667 bettina.wietzorek@iea-hamburg.de
Viola Wittmann Contract Management +49 (0)40 48500 613 viola.wittmann@iea-hamburg.de
Meng Xue Head of Software Unit +49 (0)40 48500 522 meng.xue@iea-hamburg.de
Katie Zuber Head of Communications +31 (0)20 6253625 k.zuber@iea.nl