In partnership with the Nordic Group of Evaluation Experts, Ministry of Education and Children, and the Nordic Council of Ministers, IEA was delighted to announce the launch of Volume 14 of the Research for Education series.
Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science: A Nordic Perspective Across Time and Groups of Students was released on Tuesday, 23 April. To celebrate the launch of this book—based on data from TIMSS—a hybrid conference took place at Reykjavik Natura in Iceland from 11:00-18:00 CEST.
Throughout the day authors presented findings from Volume 14 of the IEA Research in Education series, discussed insights, and answered questions from the audience.
Dr. Dirk Hastedt also presented key takeaways from TIMSS data and provided examples of how the data has been used for researchers, policymakers, and teacher practitioners.
To view the livestreamed event recording, click the link below.
Reykjavik, Iceland