Now Published: Outcomes for IEA’s R&D Initiative

Following on from the success of Call 1—launched in 2021—Call 2 awardees are well on their way to finalizing their studies and have submitted an available outcome. The first two open-access outcomes are currently live on the R&D page

  • Using Neural Network Classification for Automate Scoring of Image Responses in TIMSS 2023, by Lale Khorramdel, Matthias von Davier, and Lillian Tyack of the TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College. 
  • Interpretable and Accurate Scaling in Large-scale Assessment: A Variable Selection Approach to Latent Regression,  authored by Yunxiao Chen, Montonori Oka of the London School of Economic and Political Science, and Matthais von Davier of the TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College. 

As R&D projects are funded by countries who participate in IEA studies via participation fees, IEA wants to ensure that the related outcomes are widely accessible. IEA has facilitated submission to open-access journals and will post the final outcomes and link to all accessible materials on the IEA website as they become available.

For more information on R&D read the latest IEA Insider.
