IEA and the TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College are pleased to announce that Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021, is now available.
PIRLS Insights—the new report series—uses both achievement and contextual data to take a closer look at areas of particular interest in educational research.
Student well-being has emerged as a topic of considerable interest to both researchers and educators. The first report, Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021, examines possible relationships between reading achievement and factors that may impact students' well-being such as:
- The feeling of belonging at school
- Bullying
- Student experiences, behaviors, and attitudes that impact levels of well-being
PIRLS 2021 was not designed to explicitly measure student well-being and does not provide a comprehensive well-being measure. However, the PIRLS 2021 Student Questionnaire collected data for several measures that can serve as indicators for this complex construct. The report presents these indicators and their relationships to students’ reading achievement.
Read the full report via the link below.