The FIPS+ study tested the tablet-based instrument FIPS+, which is intended to record learning progress from school entry (first grade) to the end of primary school (fourth grade). The computer application was intended to provide teachers with differentiated insights into the children's abilities and support them in their assessment of the children's individual abilities and development. 

The application recorded key skills in vocabulary, phonetic awareness, early reading, and mathematics. Classroom, German, and mathematics teachers were also surveyed.

FIPS+ study ran from October 2018 until October 2023 at around 200 elementary schools in Baden-Wuerttemberg that nominated children for a Hector Children’s Academy participated with one, first-grade class each.  The initial data collection—in first grade—was carried out in individual sessions with tablets, the subsequent surveys took place as group tests.

For additional information, please visit the FIPS+ website.

Our Partners

Responsibility for the scientific management lies with the Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research at the University of Tübingen and the German Institute for International Educational Research in Frankfurt/Main.

IEA's Contribution

IEA’s contribution consists of field operations, data collection and processing, and the transmission of the data records to the study management.