Teacher Snippets: Inspiration for the Classroom

Teacher Snippets: Inspiration for the Classroom

Welcome to IEA Teacher Snippets, an original, peer-reviewed, short-format series that highlights practical information based on IEA studies to give back to teachers and provide ideas for in-class activities. This series highlights international and country-specific findings from studies conducted by IEA and IEA National Study Centers to provide teachers with findings and practices for the classroom. For customization beyond text translation, each Snippet is available for selection, translation, and adaptation with national data, providing the education system has participated in the study. If your organization is interested in adapting an IEA Teacher Snippet for national use, please contact l.cheeseman@iea.nl

Teacher Snippets

IEA Teacher Snippets share IEA researching findings and evidence-based strategies with teachers, using data from TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, and ICILS.

Teacher Snippets XL

IEA Teacher Snippets XL are for teachers who want tangible items and passages taken from IEA studies and the insights provided by the IEA Teacher Snippets to apply in the classroom.

This Snippet highlights how students solve an algebraic problem using data from the Robot task developed for eTIMSS Problem Solving and Inquiry questions.
This Teacher Snippet highlights findings from TIMSS 2023 delving into eighth-grade students' attitudes toward learning mathematics and how this relates to student achievement.
This Teacher Snippet discusses how much fourth-grade students like learning mathematics and strategies for understanding students' attitudes toward learning mathematics.
68% of students internationally participating in ICILS 2023 reported that they learned how to evaluate the reliability of information on the internet outside of school. This Teacher Snippet provides approaches to develop students' information evaluation skills in the classroom.
Teachers are key to developing ESD in the classroom, this Teacher Snippet provides classroom examples to help students actively practice citizenship and sustainability backed up by findings from ICCS 2022.
Data from TIMSS 2015 reveals misconceptions related to gravity across the fourth and eighth grades. Here are suggestions to provide students with a deeper understanding of physics principles.
Interacting with the content of a text influences students' reading comprehension positively. This Teacher Snippet XL utilizes passages from PIRLS 2016, which teachers may use in class, along with five key principles for teaching reading comprehension.
School belonging can enhance a student’s academic engagement and motivation, data from TIMSS 2019 provides suggestions to promote the sense of belonging in school amongst both teachers and students.
Teachers play a central role in building open classroom climates, here are suggested strategies for achieving such a climate using ICCS data.
Results from PIRLS assessments show that attitudes toward reading, on average, have declined. Four strategies are outlined to inspire positive attitudes towards reading for students.
Interested in participating in an IEA study? This edition answers key questions regarding the selection of education systems and their participation.