This is Where We Belong: The Benefits and Promotion of the Sense of Belonging at School
School belonging is the extent to which individuals feel personally accepted, respected, included, and supported at school. A high sense of belonging positively impacts students' academic engagement, motivation, and buffers the impact of anxiety and depression. School belonging can positively impact teachers' experiences at school. Read Snippet number four for strategies to promote the sense of belonging in school amongst both teachers and students.
This is Where We Belong: The Benefits and Promotion of the Sense of Belonging at School
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Adapt this IEA Teacher Snippet for National Use
This IEA Teacher Snippet is based on data from the TIMSS 2019 and can be adapted for countries that participated in the TIMSS 2019 study. This edition is available for translation into the national language and includes the national data. To adapt this Snippet and receive all editable material, contact
Discover the Study
Data from this IEA Teacher Snippet is based on findings from TIMSS 2019. TIMSS is an international assessment of student achievement in mathematics and science at fourth and eighth grades, with data collected every four years from approximately 50 countries.
Discover all Teacher Snippets
IEA offers a host of Teacher Snippets. Read the rest of this series.