As well as IEA's paper presentations at AERA 2021, we hosted a virtual professional development course following the virtual conference, in partnership with AIR.
Course description
This course on Thursday 15 April taught participants how to conduct multilevel modeling (MLM) with data from international large-scale assessments (ILSAs) such as TIMSS, PIRLS, and PISA. The content of the course included an overview of the ILSAs and presentations on the design of these studies and implications for MLM analysis. Participants learned how to specify two-level models using the HLM software program and also learned about model comparison, centering decisions and their consequences, and available resources for doing three-level models. Time was allotted for participants to work on practice exercises, with several instructors available to mentor and answer questions. Course requirements: participants should have had a solid understanding of OLS regression and a basic understanding of MLM. Prior experience using a statistical software program, such as Stata, R, or SPSS, is helpful. Prior knowledge about ILSAs or prior experience using the respective databases or HLM software was not required.
Paper Presentation & Symposium
On Sunday 11 April (from 2:30 - 3:30pm CEST), Diego Cortes presented a paper on, 'Computer and Information Literacy and Educational Outcomes'.
On Monday 12 April (from 5:10 - 6:40 pm CEST), Emilie Franck and Agnes Stancel-Piatak presented a paper on 'Stratification, Standardization, and the Socioeconomic Student and School Inequity: A comparative Analysis with PISA 2018'.
Virtual Exhibition Booth
IEA was also hosting its first ever virtual exhibition booth at the virtual conference, in which attendees could explore some of our highlighted IEA activities and recent publications, as well as book one-on-one meeting with our IEA representatives.