IERI REDS Academy 2022


The IEA- ETS Research Institute (IERI) organized an Academy on conducting secondary data analysis using the Responses to Educational Disruption Survey (REDS) database.

According to UNESCO, more than 90% of all learners were affected by school closures caused by COVID-19 at the peak of the disruption. REDS, a joint study by IEA and UNESCO, collected information from governments, school principals, teachers, and students from 11 countries, on how each group responded to or was impacted by the school closures.

Those who joined the Academy gained an understanding of the different components of the REDS study, from the analysis methods and procedures applicable when analyzing these data, to the software that was developed to take into account statistical complexities.

Participants gained insights into REDS and the study's available data, use of the IEA IDB Analyzer to understand the statistical and data complexities of the REDS database, and delivered their own preliminary findings that make use of the REDS database.

This Academy was virtual and carried out over a two-week period using a combination of live presentations, online tutoring and support, and online videos.

