3rd IEA International Research Conference

3rd IRC, 2008

18-20 September 2008, Taipei, Chinese Taipei

The 3rd IEA International Research Conference (IRC-2008) was co-sponsored by the National Science Council and organized in cooperation with National Taiwan Normal University.

Preceding the conference on 16–17 September 2008 were two workshops: "Introduction to the IEA Databases and the IDB Analyzer" and "Analysis of Categorical Data in IEA Databases."

Conference program

The conference program featured a plenary keynote speech each morning, followed by parallel sessions organized around five themes: CIVED and ICCS, PIRLS, SITES, TIMSS mathematics, and TIMSS science. The papers can be downloaded below.

Alivernini, Fabio Manganelli, Sara Vinci, Emanuela Multilevel analysis of PIRLS 2006 data for Italy
Chan, Yi-Ling Ko, Hwa-Wei Tse, Shek Kam Family factors and reading achievement
Chiu, Chia-Hui Seo, Minhee Douglas, Jeff Cluster analysis for cognitive diagnosis
Netten, Andrea Verhoeven, L. Droop, M. Predictors of reading literacy in the Netherlands
Van Daal, Victor Begnum, A. Charlotte Gees Solheim, Ragnar Adèr, Herman J. Nordic comparisons in PIRLS 2006
Van Damme, Jan Vanhee, Lobke Pustjens, Heidi Explaining reading achievement in PIRLS by age and SES
TIMSS mathematics
Ismail, Noor Azina Awang, Halimah Mathematics achievement among Malaysian students
Neuschmidt, Oliver Hencke, Juliane Rutkowski, David Rutkowski, Leslie Effective schools in Arab educational systems
Rutkowski, David Rutkowski, Leslie Private and public education
Rutkowski, Leslie Rutkowski, David An empirical look at globalization in education
Wiseman, Alexander W. Sadaawi, Abdullah Alromi, Naif H. Educational indicators and national development in Saudi Arabia