#GivingBackToTeachers with IEA Teacher Resources in 2022

This year, IEA released an open-access suite of resources for teachers. Two new publication series, IEA Research for Educators and IEA Teacher Snippets, offers practical ideas for the classroom based on data from IEA studies.  

An online space dedicated to teachers has been created to house these new publications that aim to transfer information into knowledge for classroom use, to inspire curiosity, and to spark conversation among practitioners. 

Inspiration for the Classroom  

IEA Teacher Snippets is an open-access, bite-size publication series that connects evidence-based international and country-specific findings from IEA studies with other research to provide inspiration for the classroom.  

Teacher Snippets XL are also available within the series. Teacher Snippets XL contains the data and insights of a Teacher Snippet and additional released items, and passages taken from IEA studies that can benefit classroom instruction. There are two Teacher Snippets XL currently available based on TIMSS and PIRLS data. 

Available Teacher Snippets that provide strategies and insights for teachers: 

  • Every Response Counts: Key Things to Know About Selection for and Your Participation in IEA Studies by Lauren Musu and Kateřina Hartmanová 
  • Do Your Students Like to Read? Strategies Teachers Employ to Inspire Positive Attitudes Towards Reading by Martin Hooper, Mengyl Li, and Paulína Koršňáková 
  • The Benefit of an Open Classroom Climate: Strategies for Teachers to Enhance Students’ Civic Knowledge by Jan-Philipp Wagner and Paulína Koršňáková 
  • This is Where We Belong: The Benefits and Promotion of the Sense of Belonging at School by Lauren Musu and Kateřina Hartmanová 
  • How to Help Students Develop Reading Comprehension Skills (Teacher Snippet XL) by Marian Bruggink and Annelies van der Lee 
  • What Misconceptions do Students Have About Gravity? Learning from TIMSS Data (Teacher Snippet XL) by Alka Arora, Tad Johnston, and Teresa Neidorf, released August 2022. 

More than a Book Series  

In June 2022, IEA launched the Research for Educators book series with its first published volume, Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe: Evidence-Based Contributions for Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Multilingual Context, developed in partnership with the Dutch Center for Language Education (Expertisecentrum Nederlands). The book series aims to inspire educators by providing instructional materials for the classroom based on IEA study findings.  

With this first volume, teachers received a unique set of open-access PIRLS resources, including:  

  • An overview of literature insights and evidence-based didactic approaches to teaching for improving reading skills. 
  • An extended chapter that provides practical ideas for teaching reading comprehension to multilingual students, using case studies of good practices from schools in five PIRLS-participating countries.  
  • A resource pack that provides PIRLS passages with practical instructions on classroom use, a scoring guide to accompany questions related to the passages, and country data detailing item statistics for teachers to use directly in the classroom.  

The first volume of the series was launched at the 25th year anniversary celebration of the Dutch Center for Language Education in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where series editors Andrea Netten and Paulína Koršňáková and author Nicole Swart presented the rationale for the Research for Educators series.  

IEA looks forward to releasing additional volumes in the series!  

Adapt and Translate IEA Teacher Resources   

IEA Teacher Snippets can be translated and adapted for dissemination to teachers within the interested educational systems. IEA can provide all the necessary design files, items, and national data, to ensure that adaptation is quick and easy.

We invite interested parties affiliated with IEA to contact Laura Cheeseman at l.cheeseman@iea.nl to subscribe and receive upcoming IEA Teacher Snippets and to translate and adapt them for use in a national context. 

