IEA Event Highlights 2024

Looking back at highlights from the year, we are grateful to our network members and partner organizations for their continued work on improving education using IEA data and inviting us to participate in their events.

A year with three IEA study releases
Not one, not two, but three IEA study releases took place in 2024. In February, the ICCS 2022 European Report release took place in Rome, in partnership with INVALSI and Università di Roma LUMSA. The event featured presentations and a panel discussion drawing on examples of how data from ICCS contributes to policy or practice in different countries.

We ended the year with the ICILS 2023 release hosted by Aarhus University in Copenhagen; and the TIMSS 2023 release, which took place in Dubai in partnership with the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education. These events, both livestreamed, were a big success, and more than 1,000 attendees joined us online to learn more about the results and takeaways from the studies.

General Assembly
The IEA General Assembly takes place annually to review IEA projects and studies, and to discuss critical topics that impact International Large-scale Assessments in education, serving as a platform for dialogue and an exchange of experiences on disseminating IEA study results. The 65th General Assembly meeting, hosted by NCER (the National Center for Educational Research), took place in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 30 September−03 October 2024. We look forward to the 66th General Assembly meeting in Madrid, Spain, in 2025.

NRC meetings
International collaboration is at the heart of IEA's activities and we were thrilled to connect with so many new and familiar faces at the National Research Coordinators meetings that take place all year long across the globe. This year, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Chinese Taipei, Belgium and Latvia have hosted the meetings, and we are grateful to our hosts and all the NRCs who travel to make such lasting impacts on the process and progress of IEA studies.

Partner events
It has been a busy year with IEA being present at lots of partner events.

Our Executive Director, Dirk Hastedt, had the pleasure of speaking at the Nordic Council Conference in in Reykjavik in April this year, where he presented an introduction to TIMSS and the powerful potential use of data from IEA studies. The presentation was part of the conference that marked the launch of Volume 14 of the #ResearchforEducation Series.

Colleagues from the RandA (Research and Analysis) Unit shared research and data from various IEA studies at GEBF 2024, AERA 2024, ECER 2024 and CIES 2024—where IEA also had a booth and hosted networking receptions—, ICME-15, INVALSI Data and BERA/WERA 2024. Colleagues led conversations on measuring and modeling motivation outcomes in ILSAs, the impacts of school closures, teacher job satisfaction, background questionnaires, the Affective Components of Learning, Inequalities in Environmental Knowledge among Secondary School Students, and more.

Ralph Carstens participated in a thematic pre-session at the Council of Europe, which focused on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and Education for Sustainable Development.

Paulína Koršňáková attended many events, at which she showcased the value of IEA’s mission, during the panel on the European Commission’s book launch "The Pandemic, Socioeconomic Disadvantage, and Learning Outcomes", the GENE Roundtable 50, the International Conference of NGOs, and at an NECE 2024 webinar that explored ways of empowering teachers to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into their practice.

IEA Directors and researchers look forward to continuing the exchange of ideas on educational research and policy in 2025.

Would you like to invite one of the IEA Directors or research experts to speak at your event? Reach out to us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
