IEA Research for Education in 2024

IEA Research for Education, our open-access series published by Springer and edited by Dr. Seamus Hegarty and Dr. Leslie Rutkowski, is now on its 16th volume and continues to inspire the research community—with over one-million-chapter downloads since the series launched in 2016.

Two new volumes were published in 2024. The first, Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education: A Nordic Perspective Across Time and Groups of Students, was released on 23 April in Reykjavik, Iceland, at a conference organized by the Ministry of Education and Children, Directorate of Education, and the Nordic Group of Evaluation Experts. This volume, authored by Nani Teig, Trude Nilsen, and Kajsa Yang Hansen, provides a regional focus for IEA data secondary analysis by investigating inequality in student achievement across socioeconomic status (SES), language backgrounds, and teaching practices in the Nordic region using data from TIMSS.

The second volume, released in October during the 2024 IEA General Assembly, uses multiple IEA assessments to examine the relationship between socioeconomic segregation between classrooms and student outcomes. Socioeconomic Segregation and Educational Inequality: Evidence from International Assessments, authored by Nathan Burroughs, Jacqueline Gardner, Dirk Zuschlag, and Craig Joseph Van Vliet, embarks on a cross-national exploration of school segregation, by examining SES segregation between classrooms as well as between schools and the differential impact of student sorting across subject areas and grades.


  • A call for proposals using ICILS 2023 data 
  • Volume 16: Prepared for a Sustainable Future? Environmental Knowledge and Willingness to Act Pro-Environmentally Among Secondary School Students 
  • Volume 17: Dinaric Perspectives on PIRLS 2021 Prerequisites and Conditions for Teaching and Learning to Read

Thank you to all authors who have contributed to the series in 2024.
