IEA Research for Education Release: Knowledge and Willingness to Act Pro-Environmentally

This open-access book utilizes data from two large-scale international assessments—TIMSS 2019 and ICCS 2016—to investigate the extent to which education for sustainable development outcomes is delivered and realized within various educational systems. Specifically, it aims to expand the understanding of how students' environmental knowledge levels and their willingness to act in a pro-environmentally manner can differ across and within countries. 

Volumes from the IEA Research for Education series research critical questions concerning educational policies and educational research using secondary analysis from IEA studies. This volume focuses on one of the greatest existential issues of our time, namely, the protection of the natural environment. The series editors, Seamus Hegarty and Leslie Rutkowski, in the book’s foreword, expressed the following:

As with all our publications in the series, volume 16 draws on IEA data from many countries, subjecting them to detailed, in-depth analysis and leading to an enhanced understanding of the underlying issues. Differences in the contextual factors between and within countries provide a platform for acquiring a deeper understanding of education for sustainable development and pointing to ways in which young people can be better equipped to deal with the environmental challenges they will inherit.
