IEA Unveils Refreshed Visual Identity of IEA Studies

With over 60 years of history as a leading figure in the field of comparative studies of education IEA has a reputation of quality and consistency that is reflected in its international studies: TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, ICILS, and LaNA.

The unique visual identity of each these studies encompasses graphical elements that make each study visually recognizable, including logos, color palette, typography, icons and stylized imagery.

The refreshed elements maintain a thread of connection with those of the past, ensuring continued recognition and safeguarding the studies heritage while adding a fresh energy and modern twist. Although unique, each identity is visually cohesive so that they are recognizable as part of the IEA family of studies.

Following the successful releases of ICILS 2023 and TIMSS 2023, the old study branding is now officially being phased out across study cycles. The refreshed study visual is applied to all upcoming study cycles including PIRLS 2026, TIMSS 2027, ICCS 2027, ICILS 2028, and LaNA. 

For more information on the process of refreshing the study identities, see the IEA Insider.
