IRC 2023 Pre-conference Workshops Announced!

A longstanding tradition of the IEA International Research Conference (IEA IRC) is our pre-conference workshops, which provide the opportunity for international researchers to come together for in-depth learning on cutting-edge topics related to secondary analysis of IEA data. We are pleased to announce the three pre-conference workshops for IEA IRC 2023, which will be held 26–27 June 2023. Below are brief summaries of each workshop. Full workshop details are available here.


1. Using large-scale assessment data for informing policy and practice 

Provided by David Rutkowski & Sabine Meinck

This workshop will demonstrate how to present policy-relevant information resulting from ILSAs in a brief and accessible format. Topics include how to develop strong questions, write and present data to your audience, formatting, and best practices for data analysis. Participants will be encouraged to start preparing their own policy brief and should leave the workshop with a well-developed outline that they can later develop into a publishable document that may include an IEA Compass Brief. 

2. Analyzing IEA Data with R 

Provided by Umut Atasever & Diego Cortes

This workshop is targeted to researchers who want to advance their data science skills using R and R Studio. It will introduce participants to Tidyverse’s tools of data exploration and reporting and demonstrate how these tools are used. Furthermore, participants will learn to use the IEA IDB Analyzer integration with R to perform analyses with large-scale assessment data.

3. Methods for causal inference with observational data from international assessments

Provided by Alec Kennedy, Andrés Strello & Rolf Strietholt

A lot of comparative education research poses questions about causal effects but cannot employ experimental techniques to investigate them. This workshop introduces several techniques, known as quasi-experimental designs, that can be used for the identification of causal effects in data from international large-scale assessments. In reviewing several example cases in the literature, participants will be able to identify and understand these methods as well as critically comment on their use. 


In collaboration with the Educational Research Centre of Ireland.
Sponsored by Fáilte Ireland in partnership with Meet in Ireland.

