Liking Mathematics Counts: Student Attitudes and Achievement Insights from TIMSS 2023 for Teachers

Following the release of the TIMSS 2023 International Report and Results, two Teacher Snippets, one which discusses attitudes and achievement among fourth-grade students, the other among eighth-grade students are available.

Authored by Audrey Gallo, Allison Bookbinder, and Charlotte Aldrich from the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College the Teacher Snippets look at the relationship between attitudes toward learning mathematics and achievement using data from TIMSS 2023 and the Students Like Learning Mathematics Scale

Insights from TIMSS 2023 suggest that a positive attitude toward learning positively impacts achievement. Enjoying learning mathematics while in the fourth grade can lead to future interest in the subject as students progress through their academic career, however, interest in learning mathematics often declines, almost half of eighth-grade students report not liking learning mathematics. Teachers will gain insights into the Students Like Learning Mathematics Scale and how this can be used to gauge students’ attitudes toward learning mathematics in the classroom.

Read the fourth-grade Teacher Snippet and eighth-grade Teacher Snippet and share them with teachers in your network. If you are interested in adapting Teacher Snippets from the series, please contact Laura Cheeseman.  


IEA’s TIMSS collects data from schools in the fourth and eighth grades and is a valuable tool for monitoring international trends in mathematics and science achievement. TIMSS 2023 is the eighth cycle of the study which started in 1995. 
