Out Now: IEA Insider 2024

Released annually at IEA’s General Assembly, our IEA Insider newsletter contains highlights about IEA studies, national and international projects, services, events, publications, organizational updates, and more!

Data in Action 

This year, we wanted to explore how IEA data is used to contribute to improving education worldwide, and how it can be used to shape the future of educational policy and research. We hear from IEA colleagues, International Study Centers, partners, country representatives, and researchers using our data. These voices offer context to our work and showcase the value of IEA studies and data, the services we offer, and ILSAs broadly. 

There are many exciting things still to look forward to this year, such as the release of the ICILS 2023 International Report on 12 November (see page 29) and the launch of the TIMSS 2023 International Report and Results on 4 December (see page 13). Enjoy this year’s read!
