PIRLS 2026 Assessment Frameworks is Published

The PIRLS 2026 Assessment Frameworks is out now. The Assessment Frameworks provides the design and specifications for assessing students' reading achievement and collecting contextual data for reading development. 

The Assessment Frameworks contains three chapters: 

  • Chapter 1 focuses on the reading assessment framework, describing how PIRLS defines reading literacy and assesses reading achievement 
  • Chapter 2 is dedicated to the contextual framework that describes the information PIRLS 2026 collects about the contexts of students' reading development, both at school and at home 
  • Chapter 3 highlights the assessment design, describes how the PIRLS 2026 reading assessment is organized, and includes details about the group-adaptive design. 

Recognized as the global standard for assessing trends in reading, PIRLS is one of IEA's core studies and is directed by the TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College. PIRLS 2026 marks the sixth cycle of the study conducted every five years since its inception in 2001.

Follow the link below to read the full Assessment Frameworks
