The TIMSS 2023 Encyclopedia Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathematics and Science presents a profile of the national contexts shaping mathematics and science education in each of the 72 countries and benchmarking systems that participated in TIMSS 2023. Through information collected from the TIMSS 2023 curriculum questionnaires as well as country-authored chapters, the encyclopedia serves as an important vehicle for comparing and contrasting the common and unique features of the country contexts and curricular goals used in teaching and learning mathematics and science around the world.
Curriculum Questionnaire Results
As with previous cycles of TIMSS, representatives from each country provide information for the TIMSS 2023 Encyclopedia. This includes the completion of a curriculum questionnaire that collects background information from each country and benchmarking participant about curricula and policies that support mathematics and science teaching and learning.
Country Chapters
Each chapter was written by a TIMSS 2023 country or benchmarking participant and provides information on their country’s particular characteristics, such as resources, culture, demographics, and education philosophies in the context of mathematics and science teaching and learning. An important purpose of these chapters is to instill an appreciation of the uniqueness of each educational setting represented in TIMSS 2023. All countries have the common goal of teaching their students mathematics and science, yet national and regional contexts and instructional situations can differ dramatically.
Together, the curriculum questionnaire data and country chapters present a concise yet rich portrait of mathematics and science around the world.
Measuring trends since 1995, TIMSS captures and provides an accurate picture of student performance in mathematics and science at the fourth and eighth grades. The study is directed by the TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College's Lynch School of Education and Human Development and is conducted every four years.
The launch of the TIMSS 2023 International Report and Results will take place on Wednesday, 04 December from 10:00am Central European Time, registration is open.