TALIS 2024

IEA and its partners ACER, AIR, cApStAn and RAND Europe were selected to implement all four cores of the next and fourth cycle of TALIS 2024, OECD's Teaching and Learning International Survey.

TALIS focuses on the learning environment and working conditions of teachers in schools. It offers an opportunity for teachers and school principals to provide data for education analyses and policy development. The number of participating countries and economies has continued to grow over the 2008, 2013 and 2018 cycles, with more than 45 participating in the 2018 survey. Cross-country analyses provide opportunities not only to identify countries with similar challenges in relation to about 10 thematic areas (including school leadership, instructional practices, job satisfaction, and teaching in diverse environments) but also to learn from related policy approaches.

We congratulate all colleagues involved on this team effort and look forward to the work on this vital global survey of teachers.
