Volume 1: Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe

Volume 1: Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe

Evidence-Based Contributions for Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Multilingual Context





As part of this first volume of Research for Educators, based on data from IEA’s PIRLS (Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study), a unique set of resources are available open access for teachers:

  • Theory: Volume one contains a theoretical reference on reading comprehension and recent scientific insights based on PIRLS data
  • Practice: An extended chapter five of the book describes good practices from seven schools in five participating PIRLS countries
  • Digest: An IEA Teacher Snippets XL offers a digestible format to support the use of the theory
  • DIY: Resource Packs, including openly released PIRLS passages and supporting material, is available for download for use in the classroom

The open access Springer book is intended to bridge the gap between science and practice and help teachers transform the latest scientific insights regarding reading comprehension into didactic guidelines to use in everyday practice for all students. In the first part, the authors describe the major theories regarding reading comprehension and give an overview of recent scientific insights. In the second part, the book has a specific focus on teaching reading to multilingual students, a topic relevant for many teachers around the world.

Authors: Marian Bruggink, Nicole Swart, Annelies van der Lee, and Eliane Segers

Publisher: Springer (2022)

Good Practices: Chapter Five Extended

Volume 1: Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe is available in the following languages:
Resource Pack

How To Use

PIRLS Passages

Scoring Guide

Country Data