ICILS Teacher Panel

Changes in Digital Learning During a Pandemic

IEA's International Computer and Information Literacy Study Teacher Panel (ICILS Teacher Panel) is designed as an additional longitudinal survey using the 2018 samples of ICILS as a baseline. It is the first IEA panel study since the Second International Mathematics Study that has been administrated 1981 to 1983.

The panel study was initiated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and due to its dramatic impact on school-based learning. Schools around the world were closing and the need for distance learning was increasing dramatically. During the pandemic-initiated school closures, the need to use computers and technology for learning has increased considerably. While education systems are generally slow to change and reforms can often take years, the COVID-19 pandemic created massive pressure to expand digital learning quickly. 

COVID-19 created an urgency to expand digital learning

The ICILS Teacher Panel has two main aims. First, to study the transition to more technology-based learning. Second, to provide data to identify factors that explain why some teachers and schools have been more successful in using computers and technology for learning than others. Quantitative aspects are investigated, such as the frequency of computer use, as well as qualitative aspects, such as the use of specific technologies (learning platforms, videoconferencing, etc.). 

The unique opportunity to construct a teacher panel on digital learning

The aim of ICILS Teacher Panel is to utilize this unique opportunity to examine the determinants of digital learning in a longitudinal study. The same teachers, principals, and ICT coordinators from ICILS 2018 were surveyed again in 2020. Unaltered ICILS 2018 questionnaires were used to enable investigation of changes between the two measurement points. Thus, balancing the high-quality standards expected from any IEA study, with a quick and simple administration to take advantage of the timeliness of ICILS Teacher Panel.

Participating Education Systems

ICILS 2018 education systems participating in ICILS Teacher Panel include: Denmark, Finland, and Uruguay. Data collection began in November of 2020 and continued through the end of December 2020 in Finland and Uruguay, and through the beginning of March 2021 in Denmark. 

Major Publications
Strietholt, Rolf Fraillon, Julian Meinck, Sabine Wild, Justin Liaw, Yuan-ling Changes in Digital Learning During a Pandemic