Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics

TEDS-M examined how different countries prepare their teachers to teach mathematics in primary and lower-secondary schools. The study gathered information on various characteristics of teacher education institutions, programs, and curricula. It also collected information on the opportunities to learn within these contexts, and on future teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about mathematics and learning mathematics. The main data collection was carried out in 2007–2008.

Target Population

TEDS-M surveyed teacher education institutions, educators of future teachers, and future teachers (primary and secondary levels).

Participating Education Systems

Botswana, Canada (New Foundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Québec and Ontario), Chile, Chinese Taipei, Georgia, Germany, Malaysia, Norway, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, and United States.


The international study coordination of TEDS-M was managed by a consortium of two partner institutions: the international study center at Michigan State University and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), working in close cooperation with the IEA, and the national centers of participating countries.

Schwille, John
Ingvarson, Lawrence
Holdgreve-Resendez, Richard
TEDS-M Encyclopedia
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Tatto, Maria T. Schwille, John Senk, Sharon L. Ingvarson, Lawrence Peck, Ray Rowley, Glenn Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M): Conceptual framework
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Tatto, Maria T. Peck, Ray Schwille, John Bankov, Kiril Senk, Sharon L. Rodriguez, Michael Ingvarson, Lawrence Reckase, Mark Rowley, Glenn Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries
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