Additional Studies

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IEA is proud to work with partner organizations to implement a wide range of international large-scale assessment studies.

IEA as a Study Center

For more than six decades, IEA has led the way in designing and implementing international large-scale assessments in education. Our wide-ranging experience enables us to offer competitive services for external organizations looking for expert partners to manage their studies.

Currently, IEA is the study center for OECD's TALIS and TALIS Starting Strong Survey, a member of the consortium for the OECD's PIAAC study and an associate study center for IELS.

IEA as a Study Partner

In addition to our activities as a study center, IEA is also actively involved with many studies as a project partner. These include the Rosetta Stone initiative led by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) study, PRIDI.
