IEA Research for Educators is the second book series from IEA. This series provides evidence-based instructional materials for classroom use to bridge the gap between education research and practice. The book translates practical information from IEA studies that spark conversations between educators, practitioners, and researchers.
Teachers gain insights into student performance from IEA data and strategies from other schools to apply in the classroom. Research for Educators covers topics such as reading comprehension and digital reading skills in the first volumes using data from IEA's PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study).
This series is published in partnership with Springer Publishing Group.

Based on data from IEA's PIRLS, Volume One contains didactic teaching approaches to improve reading skills and is a classroom resource that teachers can return to for lesson plan ideas.
Volume One, Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe: Evidence-Based Contributions for Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Multilingual Context is available to translate. If you are interested, download and send the completed form to

IEA will release new volumes in the Research for Educators Series. Watch this space for more information on the release dates.
Volume Two is dedicated to digital reading skills using data from digitalPIRLS.