TIMSS Advanced 2008

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study Advanced 2008

TIMSS Advanced 2008 compared and contrasted the achievement of students enrolled in the most advanced secondary school programs in mathematics and science. The study provided countries with an excellent opportunity to consider the effectiveness of their academic programs for students graduating from their secondary schools. The study also measured changes in students’ achievement between 1995 and 2008 for the countries that participated in both TIMSS Advanced cycles.

For the advanced mathematics assessment, the target population consisted of students in their final year of secondary school who were taking, or had taken, courses in advanced mathematics. For physics, the target population was final-year secondary students who were taking, or had taken, courses in physics.

The TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College served as the international study center for TIMSS Advanced 2008, working in close cooperation with the IEA, and the national centers of participating countries.

For more information, including in-depth reports and analyses, please visit the TIMSS Advanced 2008 website.

Target Population

Students in their final year of secondary school (usually 12th grade) who were enrolled in special advanced mathematics and physics programs.

TIMSS Advanced 2008 Participants

Armenia, Iran, Italy, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Russian Federation, Slovenia, and Sweden.

Major Publications
Arora, Alka
Foy, Pierre
Martin, Michael O.
Mullis, Ina V.S.
TIMSS Advanced 2008 Technical Report
Garden, Robert A. Lie, Svein Robitaille, David F. Angell, Carl Mullis, Ina V.S. Foy, Pierre Arora, Alka Martin, Michael O. TIMSS Advanced 2008: Quadri di riferimento per la valutazione
Download1.11 MB
Mullis, Ina V.S. Foy, Pierre Arora, Alka Martin, Michael O. Garden, Robert A. Lie, Svein Robitaille, David F. Angell, Carl TIMSS Advanced 2008 Assessment Frameworks
Mullis, Ina V.S. Martin, Michael O. Robitaille, David F. Foy, Pierre TIMSS Advanced 2008 International Report