TIMSS 2023 marks the eighth cycle of the international mathematics and science assessment since the inauguration of the study in 1995. Providing over 20 years of trend data, TIMSS has been a valuable tool for monitoring international trends in mathematics and science achievement at the fourth and eighth grades.
Like the previous TIMSS assessments, TIMSS 2023 collected detailed information about curriculum and curriculum implementation, instructional practices, and school resources. A new feature of TIMSS 2023 is an innovative, group-adaptive design that allows for a better alignment of the assessment with the student populations in the participating countries.
The TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College serves as the international study center for TIMSS 2023, working in close cooperation with the IEA, and the national centers of participating countries.
The Launch of the TIMSS 2023 International Report and Results took place on Wednesday, 4 December from 10:00a.m. Central European Time.
Hosted in partnership with IEA, the TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College, and the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education, the live-streamed event featured new findings from the TIMSS 2023 International Report.
More information can be found here.
Countries participating in TIMSS 2023 were invited to participate in the optional TIMSS 2023 Longitudinal Study. This special opportunity provides highly valuable information by following a longitudinal design to disentangle cohort and grade effects and to investigate learning gains over one year. Describing the learning gains and how they relate to contextual variables provides deeper insights into education systems by enriching what is possible to learn from cross-sectional studies. As a result, research can draw more robust inferences about successful practices observed in education systems.
Total number of education systems participating in TIMSS 2023: 72
Albania; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Belgium, Flemish; Belgium, French; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Canada (Ontario); Canada (Quebec); Chile; Chinese Taipei; Côte d'Ivoire, Rep. of; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; England; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Hong Kong SAR; Hungary; Iran, Islamic Rep. of; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Korea, Rep. of; Kosovo; Kuwait; Kurdistan Region of Iraq; Latvia; Lithuania; Macau SAR; Malaysia; Malta; Montenegro; Morocco; Netherlands; New Zealand; North Macedonia, Rep.of; Northern Ireland; Norway; Oman; Palestine; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of; Serbia; Singapore; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Türkiye; United Arab Emirates; United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi); United Arab Emirates (Dubai); United Arab Emirates (Sharjah); United States; Uzbekistan.
Education systems participating in the optional TIMSS 2023 Longitudinal Study are listed in bold. Benchmark entities are listed in brackets.
In support of the improvement of education systems in the Western Balkan region, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture provided support by covering the costs of Western Balkan participants interested in enrollment in TIMSS 2023. The action helps to inform education policy and thus contributes to the improvement of education in the region and its possible future inclusion in the European educational area.
TIMSS achievement data are accompanied by a rich array of contextual questionnaire data about how countries around the world deliver and improve learning in mathematics and science. Trend results across study cycles permit countries to monitor the effectiveness of their educational systems in a global context.
The 2023 cycle presented countries with the unique opportunity to participate in TIMSS and IEA’s International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) at the same time. The parallel data collection of both studies in 2023 enables participating entities to gain a more holistic understanding of educational outcomes: whereas ICILS measures computer literacy skills of students, TIMSS uses a computer-based assessment to assess mathematics and science achievements.