IEA together with the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boson College are pleased to announce that TIMSS 2023 International Results in Mathematics and Science, is now available online. We would like to congratulate participating countries for this achievement and thank all those who participated in this cycle of TIMSS.
TIMSS is the longest-running large-scale international assessment of mathematics and science assessing students at both the fourth and eighth grades.
International Report:
The TIMSS 2023 International Results in Mathematics and Science presents results from 64 participating countries and 6 benchmarking systems internationally. Key findings from the International Report include:
- Substantial percentages of fourth- and eighth-grade students worldwide reach at least the low international benchmarks of mathematics and science knowledge in 2023.
- Short-term trend results show greater differences in achievement between boys and girls in TIMSS 2023 compared to TIMSS 2019, particularly in fourth-grade mathematics.
- Fourth- and eighth-grade students possessing more positive attitudes toward mathematics and science experience higher achievement in those subjects. Eighth-grade students reported less positive attitudes compared to fourth-grade students in both subject areas, and this difference was particularly pronounced in mathematics.
- Students with higher socioeconomic status or rich home resources have substantially higher achievement on average, than students with lower home socioeconomic status or fewer resources.
Available TIMSS 2023 Resources:
- TIMSS 2023 International Report
- Press Release: Substantial Percentages of Fourth- and Eighth-Grade Students Worldwide Reach at Least the Low International Benchmarks of Mathematics and Science Achievement in 2023
- TIMSS 2023 Technical Report: Methods and Procedures
- TIMSS 2023 Infographics
- TIMSS 2023 Encyclopedia
- TIMSS 2023 Assessment Framework
- Teacher Snippets: Liking Mathematics Counts Results from TIMSS on Student Interest and achievement at the fourth grade / at the eighth grade
International Database:
The TIMSS 2023 IDB, which includes achievement and process data in SPSS, SAS, and R, will be available on Thursday, 06 February 2025. The release of the IDB will be accompanied by the TIMSS 2023 User Guide.
TIMSS 2023 marked the eighth cycle since the study began in 1995. The next cycle, TIMSS 2027, is open for enrollment.