TIMSS 2027

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2027

TIMSS 2027 marks the ninth cycle of the international mathematics and science assessment—conducted every four years—since the inauguration of the study in 1995. Providing trend data for over three decades, TIMSS is a digital assessment that captures an accurate picture of fourth- and eighth-grade students' mathematics and science achievement and contextual data about their learning experiences. 

The TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College, serves as the international study center for TIMSS 2027, working in close cooperation with IEA, and National Study Centers of participating countries.

Key Features of TIMSS 2027
  • Curriculum-based frameworks for assessing mathematics and science achievement
  • Computer-based assessment engaging students through innovative tasks 
  • Policy-relevant information on contexts of learning mathematics and science
  • Group adaptive assessment design to ensure engagement and alignment with student populations
  • Enhanced international reporting to explore results interactively 
Why Participate in TIMSS 2027?

By participating in TIMSS 2027, countries can contribute to shaping the future of education by empowering students, educators, and policymakers with data-driven insights. Participants receive a comprehensive set of data and publications: 

  • TIMSS 2027 Frameworks
  • National datasets (achievement and context questionnaire data)
  • TIMSS 2027 Encyclopedia describing national contexts for teaching and learning mathematics and science
  • Internationally comparable results with infographics and interactive report tables
  • Open Access International Database, including student process data variables, and User Guide
  • Methods and Procedures technical documentation
  • TIMSS Insights reports highlighting research topics using TIMSS data
Longitudinal Option

In TIMSS 2027, it is possible to re-assess the same students one year after the TIMSS 2027 assessment to investigate students’ learning gains over one year of schooling. This longitudinal option enables examining the degree of increases across instructional goals and the differences in gains across subgroups of students.

TIMSS 2027 Timeline

9−14 February 2025 

First meeting of the NRCs (National Research Coordinators), in Hamburg, Germany 

16−21 March 2025

Second meeting of the NRCs in Belgrade, Serbia


Instrument development 

July 20−25 2025

Third meeting of the NRCs (location TBD)

October/November 2025

Data management seminar for the field test

February/March 2026

Fourth meeting of the NRCs (online) 

March/April 2026 

Field test in all countries 

July 2026

Fifth meeting of the NRCs (location TBD)


Data management seminar for data collection 

February/March 2027

Sixth meeting of the NRCs (location TBD)

Early to mid 2027

Main survey data collection in Northern Hemisphere countries

End of 2027

Main survey data collection in Southern Hemisphere countries


Seventh meeting of the NRCs (location TBD)

Data analysis and scaling 

Eighth meeting of the NRCs (online)

National database training 

Release of TIMSS 2027 International Report and Results 


Public release of TIMSS 2027 International Database and User Guide 

Ninth meeting of the NRCs (location TBD)

How to Enroll in TIMSS 2027

For country enrollment, please contact IEA Amsterdam Director Dr Andrea Netten.

Detailed information about TIMSS 2027, costs, and timelines involved are available in the information package, below.