PIRLS 2026

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2026

PIRLS 2026 is the sixth cycle of the international reading and literacy assessment and one of the flagship studies of IEA.

Directed by the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College, PIRLS is conducted every five years at the fourth grade, and PIRLS 2026 will mark 25 years of trend data. IEA’s PIRLS provides internationally comparative data on how well children read by assessing fourth-grade students’ reading achievement and offers policy-relevant information for improving teaching and learning.

Transition to Fully Digital Assessment

PIRLS 2026 completes the transition to a fully digital assessment making it possible for all students to participate in a reading assessment based on a variety of visually attractive, colorful, and interactive reading materials. This digital assessment system will make it possible for students to participate in a unified reading assessment that reflects the younger students’ many reading experiences in- and out-of-school and are designed to engage and motivate students. Furthermore, the digital environment provides the opportunity to collect process data about how students proceed through the assessment, making it possible to examine the response strategies and processes used by successful readers.

Countries requiring a paper option can consider IEA’s LaNA which uses less difficult paper-based versions of PIRLS and TIMSS to assess literacy and numeracy and provides a broad estimate of achievement on the PIRLS and TIMSS scales.

Entities Interested in Participating in PIRLS 2026

Total number of education systems interested in participating in PIRLS 2026: 63

Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Belgium, Flemish; Belgium, French; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Canada (Ontario); Canada (Quebec); Chinese Taipei; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; England; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Hong Kong SAR; Hungary; Iran, Islamic Rep. of; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Korea, Rep. of; Kuwait; Latvia; Lithuania; Macao SAR; Malta; Montenegro; Morocco; Netherlands; New Zealand; North Macedonia, Rep. of; Northern Ireland; Norway; Oman; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of; Scotland; Serbia; Singapore; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Tajikistan; United Arab Emirates; United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi); United Arab Emirates (Dubai); United Arab Emirates (Sharjah); Uzbekistan. 

Interested benchmark entities are listed in brackets.

Why Participate in PIRLS 2026?

PIRLS 2026 offers countries the opportunity to participate in a world-class assessment of reading comprehension. PIRLS achievement data are accompanied by background information from the assessed students, their parents, teachers and school principals on how education systems provide educational opportunities to their students, as well as the factors that influence how students use these opportunities. Background data include information about: national curriculum policies in reading; how the education system is organized to facilitate learning; students’ home environment for learning; school climate and resources; and how instruction actually occurs in classrooms. Trend results across study cycles permit countries to monitor the effectiveness of their education systems in a global context.

PIRLS 2026 Timeline

16 February 2023

1st meeting of National Research Coordinators (NRCs)

11—16 February 2024

2nd NRC meeting

02—07 June 2024

3rd NRC Meeting

20 June 2024

Publication of PIRLS 2026 Frameworks

15 October—15 November 2024

Pilot study

03 March—30 April 2025

Field Trial

10—14 March 2025

4th NRC Meeting


Field trial data analysis

17—22 August 2025

5th NRC meeting

08—13 March 2026

6th NRC Meeting

Early to Mid-2026

Main survey data collection in Northern Hemisphere countries

End 2026

Main survey data collection in Southern Hemisphere countries

29 March—01 April 2027

7th NRC meeting

19—22 July 2027

8th NRC Meeting

December 2027

Publication of the results

February 2028

Launch of a public-use database and documentation

9th NRC Meeting


How to Participate in PIRLS 2026

For country enrollment, please contact IEA Amsterdam Director, Dr Andrea Netten.

Detailed information about PIRLS 2026, costs and timelines involved are available in the information package and formal invitation letter below.