IEA Study Updates | April 2023
ICCS 2022
The fifth NRC meeting for IEA's ICCS (International Civic and Citizenship Study) 2022 took place from 6-9 March in Madrid, Spain. The discussions were productive and lively at the first in-person NRC meeting in almost four years. The meeting content centered around the preliminary analysis of the main survey data and plans for reporting the study results. Data has been cleaned and processed for nearly all countries, and scaling and analysis work for the International Report release is well underway. We are excited to announce a release date for the International Report on 28 November 2023!
ICILS 2023
Most countries have finalized instrument preparation for the ICILS (International Computer and Literacy Study) 2023 main survey. Despite some challenges in the final preparation of online and USB players, the first countries have already begun their main survey data collection. In addition, country representatives met in Lisbon, Portugal, from 20-23 March for scoring training for the main survey materials. Data collection will take place from March-June 2023 in the Northern Hemisphere and September-November 2023 in the Southern Hemisphere.
PIRLS 2021/2026
The eighth PIRLS (Progress in International Literacy Study) 2021 NRC meeting took place from 13-17 February in Amsterdam, and the reporting of the study’s results was discussed. The meeting also included a kick-off to PIRLS 2026, the study’s sixth cycle that will mark 26 years of the reading assessment. Detailed information about the study framework, fee overview, timelines, and the unique longitudinal module can be found on the IEA website.
Registration is officially open for the launch of the PIRLS 2021 International Report and Results taking place on Tuesday, 16 May at 10:00 CEST (Central European Time). Please find more information about the release on the IEA website.
TIMSS 2023
The TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2023 main data collection is in progress, with several countries already well underway. The sixth TIMSS 2023 NRC meeting took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 27 February-2 March. Over 160 attendees from more than 60 countries gathered to participate in the meeting and scoring training. Preparations for the TIMSS 2023 Encyclopedia are almost finalized, and the Encyclopedia will be released in April 2023, along with the final versions of the curriculum questionnaires.
The second cycle of IELS (International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study) began at the end of 2022. TEG (Technical Expert Group) met virtually in January and February to discuss sampling topics, the assessment design, and technical standards. Remote meetings with all eight participating countries followed in February and March. The study material (including assessment parts and questionnaires) is planned for release in June.
Six countries are committed to participating in the special administration of LaNA (Literacy and Numeracy Assessment), which aims to link the LaNA results to the TIMSS and PIRLS achievement scales. Two NRC meetings were held in March—one in English and one in French—to discuss the test administration procedures. Participants are currently in the process of instrument preparation and translation. They are working closely with IEA’s LaNA team on the sample selection and preparation of the practice administration, scheduled for April / May 2023.
The data collection for the first measurement round of the new NEPS (National Educational Panel Study) cohort is complete. The data from the paper instruments and the electronic test components are being compiled and processed. Unfortunately, approximately 70 of the 360 schools initially recruited dropped out while the survey was still in the preparatory phase. This has led to ongoing discussions regarding study management and design to improve the participation experience for schools.
IEA’s Data Management Team is currently providing technical support to countries participating in PIAAC (Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies), incorporating field results and sampling information into IEA’s DME (Data Management Expert). The study is currently in its main survey data collection period. Preparations for data processing—which will commence in the summer—are underway. This includes developing processing software, scripting national adaptation coding, and internationally derived variables.
TALIS 2024
The TALIS (OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey 2024) field trial was successfully conducted in February and March 2023. Data processing and item analyses are ongoing in preparation for the questionnaire expert meetings scheduled in July 2023 where the content and final design of the main survey instruments will be discussed, and solutions proposed later to the TGB (TALIS Governing Board) and the Starting Strong Informal Group.
TALIS Starting Strong Germany
Recruitment for the TALIS Starting Strong Study 2024 started in December 2022. The team at IEA Hamburg secured participation from more than 60 daycare centers. Germany was one of the first countries to start the survey at the beginning of February. Data collection will continue until mid-March. There are already indications that the participants are much more likely to use the paper version of the questionnaire than to fill it out online.