IEA Updates June 2024


The ICCS 2022 (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study) technical report is underway and scheduled to be released in the upcoming months, complementing the ICCS 2022 IDB user guide released earlier this year. We are grateful for the support of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency for their assistance funding Erasmus+ countries’ participation in the study.

The first ICCS 2027 NRC (National Research Coordinators) meeting took place from 28 February to 01 March 2024 in Hamburg, Germany, officially launching the new and fourth cycle with fruitful discussions on content ideas and areas of interest. The next ICCS 2027 NRC meeting is scheduled to take place in Brussels between 11−15 November. Enrollment for ICCS 2027 is ongoing and we encourage you to contact Dr. Andrea Netten with any questions. 


After the finalization of the data collection for ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study) at the end of 2023, data processing and scaling took place until the end of March this year. The last steps of data analysis are underway in preparation for the draft international report, which will be discussed in detail at the next NRC meeting from 24−28 June 2024 in Chinese Taipei. After the NRC meeting, the feedback from countries will be considered for the final preparations of countries' datasets and the release of the international results. The launch of the international report and results will take place on 12 November 2024.


Work continues for PIRLS 2026 (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) in preparation of the field test to be conducted at the beginning of 2025. The third NRC meeting for PIRLS 2026 took place in Jūrmala, Latvia from 02−07 June. The meeting focused on reviewing the survey operations procedures and finalizing the PIRLS 2026 field test materials.

In addition, the second report in the PIRLS Insights Series, Covid-19 Research Resources in PIRLS 2021 was released. This report contains contextual information on instruction and learning at home and in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.


For TIMSS 2023 (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) the cleaning of national data and finalization of sampling weights has been completed. Scaling of the data by the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College's Lynch School of Education and Human Development is in progress. Preparations are underway for the eighth NRC Meeting to be conducted virtually from 29−31 July. The meeting will focus on reviewing draft texts and exhibits for the international report. The international report and results will take place on 04 December 2024.

The data collection of Northern Hemisphere countries for the TIMSS 2023 Longitudinal Study is in progress and expected to be finalized by the end of June. The instrument preparation process is being finalized for the Southern Hemisphere countries.


The second cycle of IELS (International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study) is in full swing, with eight participants finishing their field trial this year. IEA is currently preparing for the June NPM (National Project Managers) and TEG (Technical Executive Group) meetings to discuss materials and steps for the Main Study in 2025. At the same time, there will be an onboarding meeting for two new-wave participants. They will conduct an operational field trial in January 2025 to test procedures.

IQB Bildungstrend 2024

The IQB-Bildungstrend is Germany’s largest national comparison study. In the current cycle, ninth-grade students in 1,562 schools throughout Germany have been tested to identify the extent to which they are achieving the national educational standards in the natural science subjects (biology, chemistry, physics), and mathematics. For the last time, IEA Hamburg is coordinating the shipping of 2,478 test packages with paper instruments and the processing of paper-based data. The next cycle of the IQB-Bildungstrend will be a computer-based assessment. 

IQB-Erprobungsstudie 2024 (IQB pilot study 2024)

To prepare for the IQB Bildungstrend's switch from paper-based to computer-based assessment, a pilot study was conducted in 315 German primary schools. IEA Hamburg faced challenges with varying technical equipment and survey settings, using laptops, tablets, and paper-based tests. Despite these hurdles, the survey was successfully completed.


For LaNA (Literacy and Numeracy Assessment), it was an exciting quarter. With all six countries’ data processed and weighted the scaling and reporting phase now begins. IEA and the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College's Lynch School of Education and Human Development have begun work on the forthcoming international report, which is planned for release at the start of 2025. A successful sampling adjudication meeting resulted in a minimum of annotations for the international report. A joint management “future planning” meeting on 30 May, attended by colleagues from Boston College, IEA Amsterdam, and IEA Hamburg provided an exciting glimpse into the possible next steps for LaNA.


IEA started the third phase of the UNICEF LSCE (Life Skills and Citizenship Education) initiative. The overarching aim of this study is to develop an assessment tool to measure 21st-century skills under the LSCE initiative for the Middle East and North Africa region. Whilst 8 of the 12 assessment skills were included in the field trial in the first phase (2019), the remaining four skills were developed in the second phase (2021) and will be included in the upcoming field trial phase (2024–2025). The third phase started in April 2024 and is expected to end in February 2025. IEA has provided the assessment strategy related to the field trial along with its sampling design. The assessment tools (booklets and questionnaires) will be administered in October 2024 and the final item analysis will be evaluated and reported in February 2025.


IEA’s Data Management Team has merged weights, results from analyses, and derived variables created by our consortium partners to country data files for PIAAC (Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies). This data forms the base for each participating country's final data review round, the variable suppression process for the public-use data, and the national and international reporting. The results of all post-processing activities will be presented to countries at the final project meeting and data analysis training in June and August. The release of data and the international report is scheduled for 10 December 2024.

PISA-Feldtest 2024 (PISA Field Trial 2024) 

Despite over 20 years of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) experience,  IEA Hamburg faced entirely new challenges in the online-based PISA field trial. Major changes in international project management caused delayed test delivery and technical issues in schools. The extraordinary efforts of IEA Hamburg and TU Munich's national project management made the German field trial possible.


The TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) 2024 main survey data collection began successfully for participants in the Northern Hemisphere. Meanwhile, in the Southern Hemisphere, participants completed instrument preparations and prepared for data collection which is scheduled from 01 June−30 August. The consortium is currently finalizing the conceptual frameworks for TALIS Starting Strong, and the Teacher Knowledge Survey. The data management team has started processing country data, and weights are being calculated as country data becomes available. Additionally, preparations are underway for the 13th TALIS Governing Board hybrid meeting, which will take place in Shanghai from 03−05 July.

